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The Next 25 Years (30-55)

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 5:01 pm
by Canary
Year 30
• The forces of Rokugan emerge triumphant from their battle with the Champion of Jigoku and his forces on the Day of Thunder. The Nine Thunders defeat the Fallen Shinsei as the armies of the Emperor help the environs of Blue Lotus Village escape the sealing rites which contain the Champion of Jigoku.
• Led by the Emperor himself, the Imperial legions and the forces of the Lion clan arrive at the village as the monsters of Yume-Jigoku descend upon the village. The Emperor is gravely wounded, but healed by the efforts of Togashi Satsuki and the Nezumi known as Chuchu.
• Heeding the advice of Matsu and others, the Emperor cardons off the village in preparation of a ritual sanctification of the area. Enrou and a portion of the villagers who previously lived in Blue Lotus return with Yoshitsune Ayako to Crab lands where she assists them in building a new community under her protection.
• In honor of Chouri and Wu Zhe's sacrifice, a number of the villagers move to Wu lands to build their community within Dragon provinces. Following the reports and first-hand accounts of Zhe's pledge to the citizens of The Blue Lotus village, the Wu ponder the meaning and implication of the unfolded events. Eventually they put to paper the Manifold Path: a philosophy that more accurately promotes the initial promise and nature of the Dragon Clan as seekers of Enlightment.
• As the heroes return to their homelands, they find the nightmarish landscapes which dotted the lands to have disappeared. Many of these spots remained damaged and altered, but with the connection to Yume-Jigoku severed, the dangers greatly diminish, and the realm is able to heal as spring rapidly approaches.
• The Crane Kami, Doji, emerges from her long seclusion to the joy of the Crane clan and her family across the empire. She and the Emperor’s Consort, Yuzuru, begin planning a series of festivals to commemorate the victory against the darkness.
• Isawa Kyosei leads an initiative with the Ongaku to call upon the clans to provide food and shelter to those who had been displaced during the winter. Kyosei's messengers spread news of the triumph of the Thunders and relief to the countless number of refugees across the empire.
• Upon learning of the heroism and success of the Thunders and others at Blue Lotus Village, many cities, towns, and villages hold celebratory festivals in the late spring. A series of important weddings follow throughout the empire. The Thunders Hiruma Naraku and Nanzi Ai are wed. The Thunder Matsu marries Saru Shang, and the Scorpion Thunder, Bayushi Norikage marries Shiba Kumori. Ryoshun Rei, the Champion of the Bat, marries Hisomu Susumu, and Saru Ranmaru marries Anjing Futaro. The tales of each of their romances and that of Doji Hikaru and Togashi Satsuki fill the empire with hope and lead to an expanding interest in such tales.
• Two accounts of the Day of Thunder gain significant traction in readership across the empire. The first is crafted by Saru Shang which beautifully chronicles the first hand events of the Day of Thunder, the Thunders themselves, and the village which now has disappeared into memory. The other account is crafted by Isawa Kyosei and Jiyo Phi who painstakingly document the event and all the surrounding missives and personal diaries of the people involved. They attempt to provide as objective a treatise as possible to establish a standard for imperial documenters for generations to come. Phi also writes a number of more popularly accessible works which integrate her interpretations of these events more explicitly.
• Jiyo Sora, travels to the lands of the Nezumi with Chuchu and is granted an audience with the Chief-of-Chiefs White Moonrise. His son, Jiyo Soryu, tells him of his desire to stay in the Nezumi empire permanently. In secret, Sora delivers to the Nezumi a package containing powerful scrolls which were crafted by Haka Tae-Soo, Togashi Satsuki, Kaiu Tai, Ryoshun Nao, and others to bind the powers of Jigoku within Yume-do. The number and locations of the scrolls provided is kept strictly secret by Sora. With the vocal support of Chuchu, the Nezumi are greatly impressed by the gift provided by Sora and promise to strengthen ties with Rokugan in the years ahead.
• The Elemental Council travels to Blue Lotus Village and performs a great sanctification ritual in and around the remnants of the village. The old landscape is burned, but soon begins to heal. The Emperor grants the land to a new order of monks who call themselves "The Order of the Nine Thunders." They begin to build a temple-shrine complex upon the purified ruins of the old village. Ryoshun Nao and Ryoshun Yukara take a particular interest in the new temple-shrine and spend time there at the end of the year.

Years 31-35
• Returning home after the fighting on the Day of Thunder, Lady Makime sets about a project of standardizing the Lion's logistics. She develops a dedicated corps of merchants called the 'Quartermasters' whose sole duty it is to maintain supply lines for the warriors. Makime also establishes a shrine to the Lion Thunder, Akodo Kenji, who is honored as the Lion's greatest hero.
• Otaku continues her life as a daimyo and hero of the Unicorn, but soon becomes restless with the prospect of a sedentary life. She begins talking with Shinjo about exploring the vast desert to the west in pursuit of adventure and to fulfil their duty to the empire. Shinjo becomes convinced of this course of action and travels to the capital to discuss her plans with the emperor.
• The prophet Nozomi spends her years working extremely hard to ensure that the Tao is remembered as a valuable path of enlightenment and worthwhile to the people. She shares her cautionary tale of her husband to be told among the monks. Shinsei may have found the path of enlightenment, but each person's path is their own. Nobody could walk Shinsei's path but Shinsei, and even Shinsei was mortal. All mortals can fall, if besieged too long, if they allow themselves to bear too much of the world's burdens on their shoulders and let it weaken them. Her philosophy is added to the writings of Shinsei and holds tremendous sway among the monasteries which begin to dot the land.
• After decades of work proving the need for a seafaring mercantile family, Hisomu Tadaka finally is granted the right to found a Family by Hisomu. Feeling his age and injuries taken over the years, he supports his son-in-law Reiko Chuda founding the Family. He sees in the man everything he could want the Family to become. A man who was practically born at sea, capable of forging dross into gold, and has embraced the lessons Tadaka learned as his time as Goju, including but not limited to respect for the Nezumi and their Name magic. Chuda then uses his newfound authority to expand his activities in the Eastern Sea. He establishes a lucrative trade route with the Nezumi, providing wood from Isawa no Mori to the Nezumi for use as Rememberer Sticks.
• The Spider also begin to develop their military capacity under the leadership of Matsu. Having learned from Anjing and Makime of the importance of this kind of strategic strength, Matsu dedicates her efforts and her legacy to empowering her followers to become a military force to be reckoned with. Matsu's efforts ensure that the missions of each of the other families of the Spider can continue without threat of suppression from their rivals.
• Hantei Genji returns to his home and writes a number of missives to his friends among the Crab in the North. As a symbol of their shared duty to protect the borders of the empire, Genji invites Crab engineers to assist in the building of fortifications and other buildings within the Seidou's traditional lands. Many of the buildings and temples of the land reflect this architecture, and marriages between the architects and locals strengthen the bond between the remnants of the Seidou and the Stag.
• Otomo Akutou returns to Stag Lands with the pickle recipe of Blue Lotus Village. Stag pickles become the newest rage in Nezumi lands, as Akutou's pickles spread throughout the Nezumi empire. Akutou uses this newfound income to begin a series of orphanages throughout Stag lands and provide support to struggling communities throughout their territory. These orphanages also begin traveling to neighboring Clan's realms with the approval of the authorities to help provide a safety net for children who are displaced as cities continue to grow.
• Reiko Ohta develops a kind of tool that can accurately detect a person's heartbeat. She continues her studies in medicine and attracts many knowledge seekers from Spider lands and beyond.
• The monk formerly known as Hadananzi travels to the south to investigate rumors of oni who were trapped outside of Jigoku. He serves the Nezumi in defending their lands before eventually making contact with the remaining lesser oni and tainted humans. He teaches them of the Way, and a very few of them choose to live in Ningen-do and become his students in an attempt to cleanse themselves from the taint. The Order of Redemption finds purchase among others in Rokugan who also join him, eventually forming their own sect within the Brotherhood. He eventually returns to Kyuden Doji as a monk, and is able to meet his son finally. In the end, Hadananzi sacrifices himself to cleanse Nanzi of the eventual corruption which awaits his soul, and free his family from any danger that potentially could cling to them.
• The mysterious Kai travels the lands honing their skills in acting and observation. They privately report on their progress to Bayushi... who uses Kai's tales to train future students in the skills of observation and insight.
• Having proven herself to be able to act when needed, work with other clans, and as a leader to unite parts of the Clan, Togashi Satsuki is officially recognised as Togashi's Heir for the day he will pass on the mantle of rulership of the Dragon. Already many find it easier to approach the younger Dragon for official word of the Togashi than her enigmatic father.
• Togashi (Doji) Hikaru's artistry becomes even more finely attuned in the years following the Day of Thunder. Hikaru is invited to the Imperial Capital to paint a grand depiction of the Day of Thunder upon the ceiling of the Grand Audience Chamber of the Imperial Court. He crafts a masterpiece that includes each of the main actors, villagers, and the forces of Shiba arriving. This work is seen as an Imperial treasure and his fame spreads throughout the empire.

Years 36-40
• Following years of preparation the Crab begin to mobilize their forces to advance into the mountainous region beyond Rokugan’s northern border. Hida and Anjing’s forces persistently drive northward against the newly titled ‘Yobanjin’ for much of the next five years. While on their campaigns the Crab learn of amazing creatures of both air and ground which the Yobanjin use in their engagements. The Crab too learn the ways of the Yobanjin and increasingly begin to use the creatures of the north in their tactics.
• The Ki-Rin clan finish their preparations to depart into the Burning Sands. Shortly before their departure the Emperor Shiba I establishes a new minor clan, the Otter Clan, from among the remaining followers of the Ki-Rin and the tribes of the Three River region to help facilitate movement and security in the lands evacuated by the departure of the followers of Shinjo. Haka Tae-Soo is able to locate a number of her family members who help preserve the traditions of their people in the newly formed Otter Clan.
• After the birth of the first grandchild of Shiba I, the Son of Heaven abdicates his position as Emperor to Shiba Kumori, the Shining Princess. The Emperor makes clear his desire to avoid becoming an Eternal Emperor, and entrusts the rule of Rokugan to his descendants throughout time. Shiba II’s coronation is met with widespread celebration. Foxes are seen throughout the empire in auspicious circumstances and the following year’s harvest exceeds any in the recorded history of mankind; as Tengoku bestows its blessing upon the empire and its new leader.
• The long-awaited departure of the Ki-Rin finally arrives in year 37. Nearly all of the hosts of Shinjo depart into westward countries seeking new lands and opportunities for the empire…
• Yoshitsune Ayako inspired by a dream which showed her an “ideal future” works towards building a new Crab stronghold where she and the villagers of the Blue Lotus Village had settled. Shiro Ayako starts as a simple watch tower, but then over the years it eventually expands to have more towers, a proper keep and walls. Shiro Ayako eventually grows to become the seat of the Yoshitsune family and a bastion of safety to many in the lands of the cold north.
• In the years following her marriage to Hiruma Naraku, Nanzi Ai dedicates herself to the expansion of the Raven Guard throughout her network of friends, allies, and relatives. The Raven Guard’s mission to fight Corruption and prepare future generations for the next day of Thunder grows in popularity in many regions. Members of the Guard share education, provide specialists to aid the Clans in their efforts, and provide manpower when it becomes necessary to hunt down those that give in or work with the Corruption.
• Saru Ranmaru’s husband sires children for the couple. The first one is a daughter, which disappoints Ranmaru so they try again. The heavens send a second daughter and they try once more. Once the third comes along, Ranmaru takes that as a sign of fortune and no longer desires any more children. He grows to love each of his daughters very much. Ranmaru retreats to a secluded spot to hash out the rest of his technique and philosophy. His is a deviation on the Mirumoto way and he aims to spread his teachings to whoever is willing to listen.
• As the trade networks grow in the confines of the north, Lady Makime becomes frustrated with the constant back and forth bartering her merchants are left doing. At her daughter's suggestion, Makime opens a dialogue with Lady Saruko of the Saru. Together the two decide to create a 'token of trade'. Assembling a group of merchants, priests of Daikoku, and artists; a conclave is held. From the conclave emerges the idea of Daikoku's Mark, a metallic token of precious metal that would represent a standard measure of value. Quickly shortened to the 'koku', the idea greatly improves trade between villages in the Lion and Dragon territories. From there it spreads to the other northern clans and finally catches the eye of the Imperial Court. Seeing it as a way to simplify taxes, the Emperor adopts the coin and sends representatives to the Makime and Saru to help further it's adoption. Shiro Makime plays host to the first Treasury and Regulations, while Great Falls Castle becomes the site of the first mint in the Empire.
• As Imperial Consort, Bayushi Norikage uses his considerable influence within the Scorpion to create a specialized training regiment of enforcers. The Kuroiban are trained to be ready to fight for the Empire's soul. Not just against Jigoku, but also against much more mundane corruption. The Kuroiban are tasked by Bayushi to seek out the corrupt among their own number and remove the agents who lack dedication or possess too much self-serving greed for power. They are intended to teach the lesson of loyalty to the rest of the clan, the hard way. Soon the Kuroiban are known within the Scorpion for their brutal and ruthless efficiency.
• The Bat Champion Consort, Ryoshun Susumu, having observed the techniques of the preeminent dueling families in the empire, begins to vocalize his severe misgivings about the standard of dueling to solve disagreements. He saw how a demon manipulated the Imperial Court with accusations that seemed dubious when examining the face of the facts. In his mind the system is rife for abuse and requires a counter. He works in conjunction with his former clan to develop a curriculum for Spider Courtiers to help navigate the potential pitfalls of resolutions of legal issues using duels.
• Otomo Akutou petitions for and receives Imperial approval to enact a nation-wide athletic tournament for each of the clans to test themselves against each other in the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. The Elemental Council suggests that the Tournament of the Five Rings should be held once every five years and made a part of the Imperial ritual calendar. The inaugural tournament is held near Seppun Hill and overseen by Shiba II personally. Winners from a variety of clans receive renown and special gifts from the Imperial family which cement the tournament firmly within the minds of the people throughout the empire.
• With the success of the Thunders the risk to the world is abated, at least for now, Sugri the mystical warrior from distant lands remains in Rokugan for several years. He accepts invitations from the Anjing and the Dragon clan, learning and sharing tales and philosophy. However, eventually he once more sets out, continuing north, to explore what else exists in the world. Eventually his travels bring him west, into the land of Burning Sands where meets and accompanies a young woman accompanied by a near-voiceless crow calling herself “Mekhem”. She proves herself to be a brilliant and deeply mystical philosopher, and they proceed into the desert together, gathering a large following of the desert tribes as they head to an oasis to teach...

Years 41-50
• After years of political back and forth over the issue, Hiruma Naraku is permitted to begin an exploration of the Shinomen forest. A large number of Hiruma follow Naraku to a new settlement established on the borders of the forest’s northern edge. White Orchid Castle becomes the home for a series of excursions which travel deeper and deeper into the woods. A permanent foothold proves difficult to maintain, but with the assistance of emissaries from the Nezumi empire, the Hiruma are able to learn much about the geography and history of the forest. The Hiruma begin incorporating what they can find of Naga customs and culture into their own practices.
• For years following the Day of Thunder, the Bat clan Thunder, Ryoshun Nao, becomes more and more aware of a change within her. She gradually isolates herself from her family… and dedicates herself to exploring the vastness of Yume-do in search of lost dreams. The terrible scars that Jigoku left on Yume-do damaged many of the Empire’s memories. Nao creates within the ethereal realms a location known as “Nao’s Garden” to safeguard and nurse back to health the dreams, memories, and destinies of people damaged by Jigoku. Nao’s Garden helps create opportunities for people who would otherwise have fallen to Jigoku for all eternity and allows them to find redemption and rejoin the proper cycle of birth and rebirth.
• Within the realm of Ningendo, Ryoshun Yukara begins teaching knowledge of the ethereal planes to help people avoid calamitous interactions with the environs of the other planes of existence. Her followers act as teachers and protectors for the people of the realm, standing between humans and the spirits that would harm them.
• Togashi Hikaru spends much of his time in pursuit of excellence in both artistry and swordsmanship. His opportunities to learn from a wide variety of martial artists generate within him an eclectic style that encourages free-flowing movement and adaptability. Hikaru develops a number of kata which enable fighters to shift rapidly from one technique to the next. In the years that follow, Hikaru establishes himself as a seminal member of the greatest swordsmen and women in the history of the empire.
• After years of failed attempts at pushing the Crab back, the Yobanjin release their greatest weapon which they have prepared for years. A great earth-eating wyrm known as ‘The Ravager’ begins tearing at the foundations of the Crab fortifications in the north. Whole mountains collapse as the beast rages across the northwestern border of the empire. Eventually, Crab engineers lure the beast to base of the highest peak of the Northern Wall Mountains. There Hida contests with the beast for three days. The Ravager is defeated, but with its dying thrashes it cracks the foundation of the mountains. Hida holds the collapse upon his mighty shoulders until the engineers are able to return to the surface, but eventually the mountain falls and crushes the Crab Kami, forever encasing him within the northern walls of the empire. A period of empire-wide mourning commences as Hida’s eldest son takes on the mantle of Crab Champion and renews his commitment to suppressing the Yobanjin.
• Amidst the travails of the Ki-Rin in the Burning Sands, a small group of itinerate monks from Rokugan, known as the Bronze Dragon Monks, aid the followers of Shinjo in their journeys. The Ki-Rin find the nomadic Moto of the Sands who become important guides and trade partners, but do not join ranks with the Kirin. They additionally discover a rare and beautiful species of horses which join them in their quest. The Otaku become skilled horse-breeders who help tame and train these special mounts for the use in warfare.
• The prophet Nozomi spends her life preserving the integrity of the Tao. Nozomi spends the time she has left to her to studying the Tao. She's not an adept student, but she also has almost her entire life to unlearn and relearn. Enlightenment comes late in life in Shosuro lands, where she ultimately retires at the temple she helped build there. She spends a fair amount of time training alongside both the Order of Heroes and the Order established in Scorpion Lands, and offers her training to Shosuro freely. Some, if they knew about her children in the Saru might have been shocked, but her contact with her actual children always remains very distant, enough that they likely don't even know their heritage for many years, long enough to understand that the separation is for their own protection. She manages to keep the secret to her dying days, and keeps only sporadic contact.
• After years of serving alongside Isawa Kyosei in administering relief, support, and education to the empire, the Ongaku family are granted special status as a Minor Clan with the sacred responsibility to manage and distribute “Kyosei’s Gift”. Kyosei’s gift provides educational and economic resources intended to help burgeoning towns and communities to be able to grow sustainably. The Ongaku family are granted rights to move freely throughout the empire and officially become the Ox Clan.
• After years of contemplation and discovery, the Nezumi Shaman Chuchu develops a means to alter the Names of Nezumi to be able to create children who bear human-like souls. Chuchu enacts this change upon herself, and marries Jiyo Soryu. Their children live within the Nezumi Empire. Over the years, other Nezumi step forward to accept these alterations and a community of Half-Human/Half-Nezumi citizens begins to develop. This community, called Dream-Children among the Nezumi, resides primarily within the borders of the Nezumi Empire, but an increasing number of these individuals grow in their desire to explore the realm of Rokugan and learn of their human ancestors.
• As Jiyo Sora proceeds into his elderly years he focuses his efforts on creating security for the Imperial families and the empire. The Willow Sect of the Kolat Consortium increasingly integrates itself unofficially with the Imperial families. The Willow Sect continue to listen to the common people and provide information regarding abuses of power throughout the empire. His daughter also finishes his memoirs, titled: My Father’s Journey-What the Kami Brought to Rokugan.
• In opposition to the more rigid distinctions put in place by his father, Hantei Genji begins advocating for non-samurai advisors to hold positions of import in the less populous parts of Stag lands. Farmer heads, merchant guild leaders, and other specialists are encouraged to communicate with local authorities and empowered to enact decisions that influence their communities directly. Within the Stag there begins to emerge differing approaches to how authority is structured, and other clans take special note to watch the resulting outcomes of these changes.
• The first 10 years of Shiba II’s reign prove to be a period of sustained harmony and growth for the empire. Heaven’s protections continue to provide bountiful harvests, minimal natural calamity, and improved conditions for all. The Imperial Examination is finally enacted through the efforts of Jiyo Sora, Jiyo Ayumu, and the Elemental Council. All Emerald Magistrates with authority over inter-clan disputes must pass the Examination as a prerequisite for selection. Individuals of both high and low birth are invited to take these examinations. The library system established by the Imperials before the Day of Thunder, helps fuel the establishment of Imperial schooling centers. Many of the most well-connected families in the empire vie for entrance into the Imperial schools, while the Imperial families rely on their information networks and local temples to provide them with names of low-born individuals who show exceptional ability. This combination of knowledge and spiritual-based harmony ushers in what will be remembered by historians as the Golden Age of Rokugani history.

Years 51-55
• Prosperity abounds throughout the empire as the next generation of followers of the kami come of age. Relations between the Nezumi Empire and Rokugan continue to strengthen despite the passing of White Moonrise. Nezumi traders in contact with the Ivory Kingdoms and merchants from the Spider, Lion, and Stag share use of the Islands of Spice to the east of the mainland. Nezumi and Ivindi culture, particularly fashion culture, becomes increasingly popular in Rokugan. The Doji and Yuzuru families lead the forefront in merging kimono-style with the newest trends from the southern seas.
• Following Shiba’s request to his twin to always protect his descendants, Bayushi’s followers spread throughout the courts of the empire. The Bayushi become particularly proficient in passing the Imperial Examination, and many Bayushi fill the ranks of the Emerald Magistrates. Scorpion legal interpretations of law become so prevalent that as the Emerald Champion, Jiyo, contemplates retirement she falls under considerable pressure to recommend a follower of Bayushi to the position of Emerald Champion, but instead decides to nominate Jiyo Tae, twin sister of Shiba II. Eventually, Tae is chosen as the Emerald Champion by Shiba II as Jiyo retires from public life to join a monastery. The Scorpion, however, remain perhaps the most politically significant clan within the empire, and stand as the strongest supporters of the Imperial families.
• Subtle rumors among the Spider begin to swirl as Hisomu begins to make preparations for a future transfer of power to the next generation of his followers. The circumstances remain unknown, but many attribute this change Hisomu’s forward thinking approach and the internal contemplation he must have undertaken with the death of his brother, Hida. The Spider continue on in their eclectic ways, striving for excellence in knowledge of all varieties and in military capacity under the watchful gaze of Matsu.
• The children of Akodo gain great renown throughout the empire after tales of their exploits on the high seas are spread through the stories of Ikoma and his followers. The Lion consistently perform exceptionally well in the Tournament of the Five Rings, and Akodo’s children each become champions of their respective pursuits. The Lion economy and military are among the strongest in the empire and many pursue successful careers within the Imperial legions.
• Crab campaigns in the north drive many of the Yobanjin out of the reach of the empire, creating a buffer between the wastes beyond and the empire. Crab engineering and magic help shape the northern lands into far more hospitable terrain. The Crab become increasingly proficient in finding and extracting resource deposits in the north, and gain a level of stability they never have experienced before.
• The Dragon’s approach towards spiritual and aesthetic enlightenment create an interesting balancing of exoteric and esoteric tendencies. The ever-changing numbers of monastic orders all find haven within Dragon borders. Many of the ideas of these new Orders are tested and honed against the philosophical prowess of the Dragon clan. The Dragon also help contribute to the outpouring of art, music, and culture that the Yuzuru, Doji, and other families engage in this time of peace and plenty.
• The Bat clan have grown in recent years after the departure of the Kirin left land and villages in the north in need of supervision. Good relations with the other major clans in the north and the Otter clan who help facilitate movement up and down the western rivers have led to Bat artisanal influence spreading widely through the empire. The Bat possess many of the most powerful ritualists in the empire and many of the greatest duelists who serve as their yojimbo. Ryoshun Rei has led the clan boldly in its original intent to provide knowledge, insight, and protection for the empire from the realms outside of Ningendo.
• The Crane Clan, once riddled with internal corruption, now stand as one of the most pure and powerful clans in the empire. Their population has consistently grown above the rates of other clans, and travelers frequently come to Crane lands for amusement, trade, and spiritual purification. The Raven Guard remain active in nearly every corner of the empire, working in conjunction with the Emerald Magistrates to identify potential spots of concern. Doji’s return to the head of the clan has also ushered in a golden age of poetry, literature, and artistry for the Crane. The imperials frequently attend Crane lands for her Winter Courts, and the Crane serve as the social bridge for many of the clans throughout the empire.
• The Stag stand as the lone clan perhaps most at ends with itself. Hantei rules the Stag with a firm hand and respect towards the Heavenly Order. There are, however, a great many members of the Stag who are less hierarchically oriented. The Stag boast of some of the most daring seafarers in the empire, and are among the most considerate towards the common people in the periphery. Hantei keeps the armies of the Stag ready for conflict even as the Nezumi Empire to the south continues to strengthen their ties with Rokugan. The balance between different groups between the clan is admirably well navigated. What lies ahead for the Stag after the elder generation retires from public life in the years ahead remains to be seen.
• News of a gathering of particular import begins to swirl among the clans in the beginning of the 55th year. The eldest daughter of Shiba II has privately begun expressing interest in the pursuit of marriage. Yuzuru Shikibu, Daimyo of the Yuzuru family, begins sending out invitations to a number of influential matchmakers throughout the empire in preparation of an O-Miai event hosted by the Imperial family. Many of the best and brightest of the upcoming generation are extended invitations as the clans prepare for what most certainly will become an event of great political ramifications for all the clans in the coming century.