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NPC Descriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:27 pm
by Shinsei

Shinsei has been traveling around the Empire, gathering those who have the potential to go up against the Champion of Jigoku and survive. He's lost much of his formerly somewhat casual demeanor, turned quiet and secretive. Unsurprising under such serious circumstances. He is the one who led the group to this village just before the festival begins.

Re: NPC Descriptions

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 3:17 am
by Ukyou

One of two monks that joined the group toward the end of their journey, likely a resident of the northern provinces. He's somewhat slight in build, but deceptively strong. He seems to have a fondness for messing with people, giving them nonsense koans and whatnot. He's here with his disciple, a monk in training called Kichi.

Re: NPC Descriptions

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 3:25 am
by Kichi

A grumpy young man who seems to have not necessarily joined the Brotherhood willingly. His demeanor suggests going through an extremely humbling experience not long ago, so he seems to be learning and following Ukyou's teachings now that he is where he is. While he can be easily agitated still, he's charismatic, if slow to open up.

Re: NPC Descriptions

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 3:46 am
by Wu Dai Lu

The village headwoman as well as shaman. She leads both the village and serves as the priestess in charge of the festival. She is friendly and welcoming, and it's fairly clear from her mannerisms that she must have come from a merchant family. She has been very accommodating of the new arrivals, expressing worry about what they're pursuing.

Re: NPC Descriptions

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 4:59 am
by Enrou

The village healer. As one of those unnamed many who followed the Kami and the Empire's heroes into the Shadowlands, Enrou has seen things that no one should ever seen. He left a changed man, with persistent tiredness and difficulty sleeping. The village headwoman invited him here, and he's found solace healing others in this isolated village.

Re: NPC Descriptions

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 2:04 pm
by Yuzuru Hoto-Hori
Yuzuru Hoto-Hori

A somewhat confused and confusing 'young' man, apparently from the Imperial Capital. Here to assess any spiritual threats to the area on the behalf of the Imperial Consort's Spiritual Defense Force. Has only recently arrived.

NPC played by Tiamat. For contact please PM this account and not the GMs.

Re: NPC Descriptions

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 3:50 am
by Aoyama
A stern woman just about to enter her middle years. Aoyama is charged with the village’s safety, she is built sturdy and strong as one would expect for a village’s protector and has a sharp eye accustomed to spotting trouble. Aoyama has been in the village for many years and is quite loyal to the Headwoman, who seems to be just about the only one who she publicly defers to. While she doesn’t show it in public she can be different around her husband, Yamagato or her children, Kimi and Shojo, softer and actually smiles on occasion. Though word around town is she has been more withdrawn and cold than usual with people, only those really close to her have noticed.

Kimi and Shoji
Image Image

Kimi takes after her father and is quite artistically inclined, much to her mother’s disappointment. She is well behaved and quite polite. Her older brother is a different story, a troublemaker and prankster he doesn’t seem to have any real direction in life and his relationship with both parents is strained.

Re: NPC Descriptions

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 3:51 am
by Yamagato
The affable and well liked husband of the village protector, Yamagato is in many ways her opposite, friendly, welcoming and always a smile on hand for a new friend. He is a devout and doting husband not afraid to show how much he adores his wife no matter how public, and often to her grumbling embarrassment. An equally loving father he does most of his work as an artisan at home as the primary caretaker for them. Outside of his role as a parent and husband Yamagato is a skilled painter specializing in landscapes.