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To Sleep, Perchance to Dream [Anjing]

Post by Anjing »

Given she hadn't slept for more than a few minutes the previous night, Anjing was a little apprehensive as she settled down in her tent. Another sleepless night and she's probably rip the head off whoever greeted her in the morning.

It looked like the enemy had similar ideas. As soon as she closed her eyes she felt her sleeping self dragged towards a strange and brutal nightmare with skies tinted red and enemies on all sides.


An urge from all around thrummed in her head. She could refight the past, win it this time. Wasn't that what she deserved? Any dream was possible here, after all. She just had to go inside.

It was tempting, dangerously so. But her promise echoed in her head. She'd sworn for now to leave the past in the past. And awake or asleep, Anjing did not break a promise lightly.

With an effort of will she wrenches herself away, falling instead into a peaceful dreamless sleep, although she could have sworn she heard a distant chuckle as she did so.

Day 2 Sleep Event: Horrific Nightmares

Roll 1: TN 20 Willpower Roll | 3k3 ⇒ 28 (TN: 20)
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
Great Destiny

Status: 7.0 • Honor: Lip Service • Glory: 6.5

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