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Akodo Kenji
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Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:05 pm

A Nights Rest. (Akodo Kenji)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

Perhaps it was the drinks he had earlier that night, perhaps it was because he was a Lion and a Lion Samurai truly knew no fear. Either way as the nightmares descended upon Kenji he was able to push them away. They had no sway on his rest this night, and he woke in the morning truly refreshed.

Day two Sleep event! Nightmares, tn 20 Willpower, free raise to reduce tn by 5, void for 1k1 | 4k4 ⇒ 35 (TN: 15)
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
Status: 1.0 * Glory * 3.0 Honor: Exceptional

Has: Daisho, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, Sake cup, Jade Bracelet

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