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Nighttime Maneuvers

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 2:01 pm
by Makime
It was horrific. Monstrous visions of horrible shapes clawing and screaming. The denizens of Jigoku itself screeching and pulling at the edges of reality. Fear and terror reigned, Shiro Makime burned. Formations were torn asunder fleeing only to be chased down and devoured. Makime Ayano stood on a hill, surrounded by the best warriors the Makime family had. All handpicked by the elder Makime and entrusted with guarding her home. Ayano's sword trembled, even as her expression remained defiant. One by one the Makime guards fell until....

"Yoriki! What is this?"

"A dream Inspector. And a pretty terrible one."

"I do not like this dream. Get rid of it."

"Yes Inspector!"

Yoriki reaches up beyond the bounds of view and pulls down...the entire dream disappearing as if turning a page.

Day 2 Nightmares. Void Use. +4 from Tawagoto's Army. TN20 | 4k4+4 ⇒ 25 (TN: 20) Willpower Success