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D2-D3 Sleep - Ranmaru

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:53 am
by Saru Ranmaru
The night before, Ranmaru had been unable to quell his incredibly manly cravings. But this night, all he needed to do was overcome something as silly as fear. That was something that was, of course, for women.

Women like the one who had tried to be his rival back during training! She thought she could have earned Mirumoto's attention as the best pupil but it was him, Ranmaru! With his rippling muscles, he rushed in to push her out of the room, maybe even the whole building so she could go back to more womanly things.

But to his surprise, she planted her feet down, much like a stubborn ox. And then she started pushing back.

It would have been shameful to lose to her. He shoved her again but she clung on, trying to drag him down to her effeminate level. "Impressive," he said before grinning. "For someone so frail!" With all of his might, he heaved her off the ground then hurled her through the screen door.

"Oh fuck! Sorry!" It was wrong to hurt women, the softer kind, and it was wrong to break stuff unnecessarily. For the latter, well, he would need to see if his mom had any money to pay for repairs. It wasn't very fun to ask her for that so he had one sure of a dream to navigate...

At least, however, it seemed that the encroaching darkness could have no effect on him for the time being.


D2 EN Willpower TN 20, VP for +1k1 | 4k4 ⇒ 32 (TN: 20)

Re: D2-D3 Sleep - Ranmaru

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 1:11 am
by Saru Ranmaru
Fortunately for Ranmaru, the nightmare had not involved this horrible alternate reality:
D2 Nightmare Possibility.jpg
D2 Nightmare Possibility.jpg (84.43 KiB) Viewed 83 times