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(D2 Nightmare, Chuchu) The Rot Quickens

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 3:36 am
by Chuchu
The nightmares returned.

Chuchu cried out for her mother as her world went red. The walls of her room crack, peeling back to reveal rotten meat hidden beneath. Wailing at the top of her lungs the nezumi took off on all fours in a vain attempt at escape.

Every step left behind a pool of blood.

Nightmare roll + Name point | 4k4 ⇒ 19 (TN: 20)

Re: (D2 Nightmare, Chuchu) The Rot Quickens

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:43 pm
by Canary
She finds a hole to dart through, thick and pulsing like a vein as she runs. However, even as she moves, it constricts, the rotten flesh coming closer until it brushes her fur with every pulse, leaving streaks of blood on it.

Her sensitive nose is nearly choking on the scent of rot and decay.

Re: (D2 Nightmare, Chuchu) The Rot Quickens

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:50 pm
by Chuchu
Canary wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:43 pm
Every sense screams in abject horror -- and yet --

The shaman stops to sit on her knees. Chuchu's hands rest over her heart as she calls the magic forth.

CASTING: Bless Name, TN 10
Nightmare roll - Name Magic: Bless Name | 7k4 ⇒ 23 (TN: 10)

Nightmare roll + Name point... 2! With Bless Name (allows reroll like Lucky) | 4k4 ⇒ 29 (TN: 25)

The glow of her body dissolves blood, gore and viscera as it extends outwards to tear down the nightmare. Chuchu stands in the dark void she's created and looks for a pinprick of light to lead her to her next dream.