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(Day 2, MN) Forgotten Dreams

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:56 pm
by Ryoshun Nao

Re: (Day 2, MN) Forgotten Dreams

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:44 pm
by Canary
Nao finds herself walking through the streets of the town surrounding Kyuden Ryoshun, the huge castle set into the hills behind it. It was exactly as she remembered it. As she moves through the streets, she begins to noticed something odd. There were no looks to her, not even a brief glance. No bows. No vendors trying to sell her anything, even when she went through a busy area full of them. Someone bumped into her and didn't even acknowledge it, just continuing to walk despite the fact that they move in reaction to being bumped.

She exists, but nobody around sees her.

She heads to the castle, only a few steps away in the realm of dream logic. Her friends and family, both of her older sisters, they were all there, visiting. Having a meal together. There was no empty place set for her, even though she was back home. There was no way they wouldn't know she was coming.

But they didn't acknowledge her, even as she walked around them. Listening to their conversations, they didn't even mention her. Even though she knew she had substance, knew she was real, it was like she was a ghost instead. Like she had simply been erased from the sight and minds of everyone.

Forgotten so profoundly that she might not exist at all.

Re: (Day 2, MN) Forgotten Dreams

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:58 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
This made no sense. It felt real, but it couldn't be reality. She often went about without notice. Her siblings were important and everyone noticed them. So, there were times when visitors seemed top ignore her. She was an afterthought, at times.

That made it easy to sneak out, at least.

But, there's no way she could be enterally forgotten. Was there?

Father would know.

- - -
Day 2 Sleep Event: Horrific Nightmares, 2nd Willpower, VP for +1k1 | 4k4 ⇒ 12 (TN: 25)

Re: (Day 2, MN) Forgotten Dreams

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 11:45 pm
by Canary
The mist of Meido soon surrounds her, and she can feel the ennui of the realm settling over her shoulders, weighing them down.

It's an effort to get as far as her father's shore, but she could see the silhouette of the hugely tall Kami with his ever-present conical hat and spear. He was truly unmistakeable. Next to him was Nazo, standing with him.

She hurries along, eager for answers, but they don't seem to hear her approach. She steps in front of them, and even Ryoshun's eternally vigilant eyes seem to pass right over her, pausing briefly as if seeing something, but then moving on.

"How are our daughters doing?" he asks her mother, looking down.

Nazo smiles up at him. "Agasha and Rei are doing well. Agasha is buried in her ideas as always, and delegates the more mundane tasks a lot. Rei is doing well handling the responsibilities of the Clan."

And Nao? She waits and waits, but they say no more.

Re: (Day 2, MN) Forgotten Dreams

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 12:14 am
by Ryoshun Nao
"No." she shook her head. "No. No. No. No! No! No!!"

She would not accept it. She would not be forgotten. She was real. Her life meant something.

Didn't it?

She called out to the elemental kami, but they did not respond.

She raised her voice to the Heavens. To the Fortunes, Grandfather and Grandmother. But, she heard no reply.

She looked around for anything to validate her existence.

But, there was nothing.

Only Nothing.

- - -
Day 2 Sleep Event: Horrific Nightmares, Willpower, Last Chance | 3k3 ⇒ 3 (TN: 30)

With that roll. Feel free to make things worse.

Re: (Day 2, MN) Forgotten Dreams

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:44 am
by Canary
She finds herself falling through the mists of Meido, deeper, deeper...

The blackness felt infinite.

Not warm or cold. There's no light to see any of the world she might have, or even herself.

After a while, it felt less like falling and more like floating.

Or like she was being cradled by the darkness itself.

She could no longer see her own body.

She could feel nothing.

No rushing wind touched her fingertips.

There was just her and Nothing.

Her own thoughts began to fade in the darkness as it became somehow comfortable.


It's okay...

It seemed to say.

We're the same... Forgotten until we're Nothing...

Her own identity began to fade away.

Wasn't that important?

Didn't she need it?

What was it, again?

There can be strength in being forgotten and overlooked...

If she couldn't remember it...

Did it ever really matter?

In being Nothing...

Her thoughts softly faded out.


