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Master Post: Aya What Now?

Post by Bakuriel »

This tea is legit, right?

Participation: 4

Time Slot: Late Evening

WARNING: This thread involves the use of a risky drug. The possibility exists for permanent and lasting harm coming to your character as a result of this event, potentially including death. Please read the event thoroughly before committing your character to participation.

Seems like someone prodded Enrou enough to get access to a bit of his "top shelf" medicine, and is offering to share with some of his compatriots. This should be interesting...


Hisomu Reo has first choice for participation, as this event is the result of his actions in game.

Players submitting themselves for this event will be falling into a deep sleep and delving into the dream realm in a very direct sense. While the benefits of this include a successful night's sleep, any void points used during the course of this event will not be available for use during Day 4.

Participants in this thread may choose one Ring to use as their focus for this event. Once a Ring has been chosen, it cannot be chosen by another player, so please coordinate these choices prior to beginning.

For the Rings of Fire, Air, Water, and Void, players may pick any associated non-combat skill and roll against a TN of 20. (Example: Courtier uses Awareness, and can be chosen with the Ring of Air) Players will use their Ring rank in place of the associated Trait, and may make a number of raises equal to their rank in the chosen Ring. If the player passes, they may make a short post describing what they are attempting to do in the dream realm, and may make a number of further posts attempting to focus or clarify their attempts equal to their called raises. No free raises are available for these rolls.

Failing these rolls will result in that player losing one rank of the chosen Ring per called raise. This can result in a Ring being reduced to a value of 0. While these effects are not permanent, they can only be reversed by obtaining restful sleep once per day, one rank at a a time. Enrou serves as a warding presence against these negative effects, and if the roll is failed, he will make a single Medicine roll against that player's final TN in an attempt to counteract the effects of the tea. If successful, no information will be gleaned, but no negative effects will come into play beyond the loss of Void Points used on the roll.

For the Ring of Earth, the player will instead attempt to explore to the edge of Yume-Jigoku's influence, and must roll Willpower to resist the realm's attempts to stop them. This roll will start at TN 25 and increase by 5 for every successive roll. A player must complete a total of three rolls to succeed with this ring. If at least one roll is passed, they will be able to observe the state of the boundary between Yumedo and Jigoku. If all three rolls are passed, this player will be exempt from Yume-Jigoku's dream influence for the rest of the game. However, failing a roll will lower the Ring as with the others. Reaching a rank of 0 in the Earth ring will effectively reduce a player's wound's to 0, resulting in death. Enrou may only counter one of these rolls, and will end the attempt immediately if the player chooses to use him.
AGM | Birb | Chonky | Floooooofy | Sub-Contractor of Horror | Experienced?

I charge by the anxiety attack.

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Hisomu Reo
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Re: Master Post: Aya What Now?

Post by Hisomu Reo »

"Alright folks, I think we have something that at the very least will get us a solid night's sleep, and perhaps some kind of insight of what we are up against. We've been at the mercy of dreams, Enrou-san has something that may help us actually keep our wits about us when we go in."

Reo looks at the assembled group. "Let me say that I am not going to let you all take a risk I refuse to participate in. I'll go first."

Reo lies down an a mat in the impromptu drug drug den, taking his tea. It's subtle at first, his surroundings becoming dreaming. He feels himself floating, hovering over the ground as he walks. The landscape is not the one of the village forest outside. It is the barren patches of Shadowland blight. He walks/floats/crawls over the surface on undamaged legs. He knows what is coming.

The cave looms over, calling to him just as it had decades ago.

Reo... Join us. You will always have a home here...

We could even restore your leg... Make you stronger than your tormentors could ever hope to be...

You think that you made a new home? They always turn? Your own children walk away

The others, they became family leaders. They were heaped praise. They stood ahead of you, consigned to the shadows

It's time you earn the benefit of that patience.

All the knowledge you could want. Come for it.

Come for it.

Unlike before, there isn't Reiko and Kanna beside him. And yet, Reo takes another step. And a baaaaad trip starts.

D3 Aya what now Dream Thread - Water Ring/Survival - VP spent | 4k3 ⇒ 17 (TN: 20)
Archer | Kakita Tribe | Spider Clan| Bad Limp | Not a People Person | Healer | Experienced 1
Status: 1.0 | Honor: 4.5 | Glory: 1.0
Yumi with lots of arrows, Light Armor, Medicine Kit, Mortar and Pestle, finger of Jade

Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Sep 28, 2023 3:49 pm

Re: Master Post: Aya What Now?

Post by Bakuriel »

A few steps in, and the gravity of the cave seems to tilt, with the way forward suddenly becoming down. Yet Reo's feet remain on the ground, now the wall, as the whispering voices and looming darkness ahead continue their bid to drag him forward into the depths.


Roll failed, but no raises were called, so no loss of Ring rank occurs. Enrou's assistance is not required, so Reo will only experience a confusing, poor quality dream with no further side effects beyond the spent Void Point.
AGM | Birb | Chonky | Floooooofy | Sub-Contractor of Horror | Experienced?

I charge by the anxiety attack.

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