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Aya what now? [Kai's Dream]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:36 am
by Kai
He had found some herbs in his tent. His sensei always said never to drink herbs he didn't know. His sensei wasn't here and right now, he just wondered if it mattered or not what they could do.

As he went to Yume-Do, he started to feel a presence. He took his bow and quipped an arrow. "Who ever is out there come out or your life is mine." His tone imposing and his hand was unwavering.

//D3 Sleep Aya What now? Intimidation Air 0 raises 0 void | 5k4 ⇒ 49 (TN: 20)

Re: Aya what now? [Kai's Dream]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:34 pm
by Bakuriel
There's a short, animalistic yelping sound in response to Kai's sudden threat as a squat, dumpy looking creature fades into existence before falling comically on its hind end in shock.

"Okay, okay! You can have this one! No reason to be so violent about it, there are plenty to go around!"

The creature, whatever it is, quickly gets up and scrabbles frantically at the air in front of it. Strangely, the empty space seems to solidify, with tiny scratch marks appearing in time with creature's awkward movements. The thing wastes no time pushing its face into the hole and squirming through, seeming to get stuck about halfway before violently twisting and wrenching itself free with a pop.

Before the hole closes, Kai managed to catch a glimpse through it to the terrain on the other side, which looks very similar to where he's standing right now, but without any of the nightmarish qualities that have been plaguing everyone's dreams of late.


No further information can be gleaned from this dream.