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Sleep Paralysis, Yumi [D3, LE-MN]

Post by Yumi »

Sleeping within her tent underneath the stars, Yumi was most comfortable alone. Yet the last few nights have strained that significantly and tonight would appear to be no different. Waking to the soft sound of something shifting around her the woman's eyes snap open. That sound was all there was, outside of the normal sounds of the night but even then the bugs were unusually quiet. Glancing around she appeared to be alone. Yet, Yumi was a woman of caution and thought to reach for her bow or blade but she couldn't find the strength to move her arm... or the ability, it was like she had no control. Panic over that might have set in, a unique experience, but she was chilled at the sight of the shadow at the opening of her tent. Leaning in slightly as if caught in the act.

Mind swimming she wasn't sure if there was actually any alcohol on the air or it was just her imagination. Just like before her eyes look to the hand, expecting a stake again but..

Sleep Paralysis: Void Roll (Or Reflexes), Void Point | 5k5 ⇒ 33 (TN: 25)
Vagrant | Hunter | Loner | Tribal Ways | Follower of the Path | Dream Necklace | Jade Necklace | Great Destiny
What is Expected - Status: None - Glory: 1.0

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Re: Sleep Paralysis, Yumi [D3, LE-MN]

Post by Canary »

An amorphous shadow coalesced in the corner of the room, strange, luminous green eyes staring at her from the corner of the room. It disappears as soon as it shows up, though, allowing her to slip into proper sleep.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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