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Event #2: An Unexpected Visitor

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:59 pm
by Canary
[This event is open to anyone who succeeded at the D2 sleep event, and either made the Earth Roll or did not eat during the Feast.]

Finally. Finally you're getting some decent, restful sleep. The dreams aren't horrifying nightmares. You can sleep period. Everything is perfect.

Rules: Please make a separate thread for each character. You will first roll an Investigation (Notice)/Perception test, TN 30. If you succeed, stand by for a post. If you fail, please roll Raw Earth, TN 20.

Please note which event you are in. You may only do one.

Re: Event #2: An Unexpected Visitor

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:44 pm
by Canary
If you are doing this event, please let me know if a ward was cast near your tent and link it.