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Satsuki: Monsters Can't See You If You Can't See Them (#2 Unexpected Visitor)

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:28 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Like the previous nights, Satsuki found herself drifting off to sleep after her pre-bed routines. Camping was never going to be as comfortable as sleeping in your own bed, but she had gotten used to it enough by now to no longer be bothered by it.

In her dreams, she was playing games with her brothers. They were all young and innocent, knowing nothing of Jigoku or Thunders.

Away from their parents they would play hide-and-seek. When it was her turn to seek the others, she kept feeling she was missing something important as she searched around for her brothers.

That feeling didn't go away even as she found them hiding in the strangest places, but her rest continued peacefully.


D3 Sleep Event #2 An Unexpected Visitor. Investigation/Perception. +1k1 Void | 4k3 ⇒ 19 (TN: 30) lel

D3 Sleep Event #2 An Unexpected Visitor. Earth Roll. +2k0 Touch of Tengoku. +10 jade. +1k1 Void | 7k4+10 ⇒ 35 (TN: 20)

Re: Satsuki: Monsters Can't See You If You Can't See Them (#2 Unexpected Visitor)

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:45 pm
by Canary
Satsuki has lovely, uninterrupted dreams.