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(D3EN) Hikaru Paralysis

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:44 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Before Hikaru lay down to sleep, he knelt, offering a prayer to Lady Doji. But all too soon, he found himself sprawled in bed, unable to move. Sleeping and yet not sleeping.

And then something came in.

Hikaru knew there was only one thing that could banish fear. Inner strength. Knowing the self. And if there was anything that Hikaru had, it was certainty in who he was, what he was supposed to do. That certainty could banish even demons.

And so it did.


Sleep Paralysis, Roll 1, Void, Void 1k1 | 5k5 ⇒ 41 (TN: 25)
If Hikaru can do anything to halp Doji, let me know! I forgot to ask before I rolled the above...

Re: (D3EN) Hikaru Paralysis

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:57 pm
by Canary
He only got a brief glimpse of it - a strange, shadowy, rotting... thing. The only clear feature of it was its torso.

It was an hourglass, and only a tiny amount remained at the top, trickling away quickly.

Then it disappeared.