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D3 Event-Unexpected Visitor (Kaiu Tai)

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:58 pm
by Kaiu Tai
Whether it's the general tension after several odd events and the attack the night before, Tai sleeps lightly enough to notice, at some level, the light sound of breeze on tent skins, the sound of sleeping cows shifting in the next field over, and...something out of place?

D3 sleep event: Investigation/Perception Void for +1k1 | 7k4 ⇒ 50 (TN: 30)

Wards under here viewtopic.php?p=11019#p11019

Re: D3 Event-Unexpected Visitor (Kaiu Tai)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:36 am
by Canary
Tai is woken by movement, but it's gone as quickly as it happens.