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[Day 3 - Early Night] Can't Scream

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:45 am
by Saru Shang
Shang had a pretty pleasant time at the gathering, especially when food and drinks were so abundant. Sure, there was the impending uncertainty of the Day of Thunder loomed over her but that wasn't now. She was tuckered out and exhausted and sleep turned out to be pleasantly merciful. What happened after would be great cause for concern...

The Dragon would gasp awake and she was immediately short on breath, her chest feeling an unbearable weight. Although, it seemed strange to be disembodied from herself. She could see the shadows flickering around the tent, perhaps cast by the combination of the watch campfire or just something sinister manifesting before her. The shadows seemed to take shape and became almost sentient, invading her space and feeling like real imminent danger. Her survival instants kicked in but found herself locked in place. She tried to scream and could only see herself just lying there, unmoving. She couldn't move, couldn't get away, couldn't escape...

"....AHHH!" Shang bolted awake as she found herself suddenly awake, her scream finally managing to break through the strange spell she found herself in.

Day 3, Early Night, Void Roll: Void spent for +1k1 | 5k5 ⇒ 26 (TN: 25)

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] Can't Scream

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:52 am
by Canary
The being was deeply, unpleasantly real-seeming. It was an uncanny charicature of a human. Its head was perfectly round, the skin perfectly smooth. Its eyes were perfectly round, and a deep black that reflected no light. Its arms and legs were simplified cylinders that cracked loudly every time they bent where the elbows and knees would normally be. Its torso was a similar cylinder, but with one thing at the center that was terrifyingly real.

A large hole was shattered in the center, breaking open the thing to revealed organs that were also black, but these ones reflective with viscous fluid. It's very realistic ribs were broken, and she could see the pulsating of living organs inside. Black blood oozed slowly out of the wound, dripping on the floor.

However, before it could come any closer, she screamed.

There was no evidence that anything had been there - just a disturbing dream vision.