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Shiba Kumori
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Not Anything- Shiba Kumori D4

Post by Shiba Kumori »

As Kumori fell into sleep… the familiar pull of the influence of the evil set itself around her.

All around her was darkness and mist… Silence filled the void…

“Kumori… I’m scared…”

Kumori turned to face the direction of the sound. A young girl with her face looked back at her… Not her face actually… Her twin’s face.

“It’ll be alright Tae. It’s just darkness… Grandmother will come in the morning like she always does. You gotta toughen up.”

The girl nodded her head pensively.

“Would you sing for me Kumori?”

Kumori smiled softly, “Of course.”

As she began singing the world around her shifted and changed. Her words brought form to the elements swirling to listen to her. The notes made mountains rise and fall… Light come to the world… and fall into night.

She saw people cover the surface of the earth… The light of the heavens nourished and strengthened the world. It became more balanced and beautiful…

But then without knowledge of how or why… A discord developed within the song. An undetected strand of disunity… that slowly worked its way larger and larger.

She saw it all across the land… in so many hearts undetected. Pushing people towards chaos… and power. A cruel and selfish power… but power that contested with the strains of her song with every measure.

She needed to stop it… To protect the light… To protect those who had this evil tearing at their hearts.

From behind her a voice spoke, “Why fight it?”

She turned and looked to see her father standing with a hand outstretched.

“Let us serve our people Kumori… Protect them. Only those with power can protect the weak.”

“No… You wouldn’t.” She replied fiercely.

“I would sacrifice anything for my family and those they protect.” He opened his arms wide.

“No… you wouldn’t…” She replied in a weaker voice.

“You know I would…” He replied with a gaze that seemed to pierce her to the core.

She paused and stared back at the visage intently.

“No… not anything.”

She slashed forward… and the visage changed from her father to some mass of darkness and mist just before the blade cut through.

She was at the end of the dream… The light in front of her… and all around her.


D4 Sleep Event, Etiquette/Willpower, VP | 6k5 ⇒ 40 (TN: 25)

D4 Sleep Event, Perform:Sing/Awareness (GM Approved), VP | 5k4 ⇒ 43 (TN: 25)

D4 Sleep Event, Attack Roll Reroll with Empahsis (GM Approved), VP | 10k5 ⇒ 38 (TN: 35)
Imperial | Emperor Shiba II | Confident | Human | Shining | Fire Averse | Great Destiny

Status: 10.0 • Glory: 10.0 • Honor: Strength of A Thousand Ancestors

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