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Kaiu Tai
Posts: 299
Joined: Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:47 pm

D4 Sleep Event (Kaiu Tai)

Post by Kaiu Tai »

Writing to come. Wanted rolls before day shift.

The Will Shapes the Dream: D4 Sleep event: Eti/Willpower VP for +1k1 | 6k5 ⇒ 36 (TN: 25) forgot Disturbing Countenance, still makes it.

The Dream Shapes the Form: D4 Sleep event: Lore:Stone/Int, VP 1 raise since I forgot on the previous one | 7k4 ⇒ 30 (TN: 30)

The Form Shapes the World: D4 Sleep event: Athletics/Stamina VP (FR from step 2) | 8k5+5 ⇒ 31 (TN: 40)

Lost and Cursed by Yume do
Seidou turned Crab * Shugenja * Mason * Potter * Wrong Somehow
Blackened teeth and nails * Shadowed eyes * Scarred
Status: 1 * Honor: What is expected * Glory: Who?

Nobody trips on mountains, but they'll stumble on stones

Carried: spear, stone knife, jade, satchel of stuff...maybe rocks.

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