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Doji Hikaru
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Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2023 11:45 am

[D4EN, Hikaru] If I Only Be True

Post by Doji Hikaru »


Once more, Hikaru felt himself drifting down to sleep. No, not drifting. Falling...

This time, Hikaru was ready for it.

The practice had been worthwhile. Even as terror began to rise, so did Hikaru's awareness that he was in a dream. He could almost feel Chuchu's little hand in his, giving him a comforting squeeze. The realization brought a smile to his lips, even as he slept. Perhaps he smiled in the waking world, too. It didn't matter. He was smiling here, now.

The nightmares took him into a dark cave, devoid of any warmth, of any light, and yet somehow full of shadow. Hikaru could feel it preying on his weakness, his insecurities... his desires, his wants. Ominous whispers echoed in his ears, seeming to promise and threaten at the same time, what he most desired and most feared a sliver of reality away. The cold seemed to sink into him, stealing his strength, stealing his resolve. Even the suggestion of light seemed to fade, leaving Hikaru completely, terribly, alone.

"No." Hikaru said. And he reached out, and began to paint the world...

It was like a drop of water hitting cloth and spreading. Only while the spread of water would slow, this went faster and faster. A drop of color, a hint of green, spreading, and warmth spreading with it. In moments, the cold stone floor of the cave had turned to green grass, bright and vibrant and alive. It continued to spread, looming sepulchral walls giving way to blue sky. And with that, so came warmth. Hikaru closed his eyes, letting himself feel the sun on his face, the the gentle breeze. He was in Lady Doji's garden once more, peaceful and serene.

But he was not free yet. There was a dark cloud in the sky.

He could feel the nightmare's frustration, it's dark and terrible anger at being thwarted. Even as he focused, he could feel it struggling against him. Black rain fell from the cloud, streaking the sky with trails of shadow, as the nightmare tried to regain control. Hikaru grit his teeth, struggling. A swipe of his hand, and the cloud concentrated, coalesced, becoming smaller and denser. He forced it from the sky, forced it to stand and face him. An opponent, at last, one that he could strike.

A terrible opponent, one that might be more powerful than him.

It stood before him, a samurai made of a thick, viscous liquid, some terrible fusion of mud and smoke. It raged at him, corrupting vapors billowing about. It held a terrible dark sword, somehow jagged and razor-sharp despite its liquid nature. Hikaru took his stance before it, but it seemed to tower over him, making him feel small. Vulnerable. Alone.

Only he was not alone. Hikaru did not consciously will them into existence, but he suddenly could sense someone behind him. Many someones.

"You were a fine student, Hikaru-san." Nanzi nodded, regal and serene. "Now you can show me what you have learned.

"Remember what I said." Kakita said calmly. "Believe in yourself and you will not fail."

"I still think you're too skinny." Anjing smirked. "But you got this."

"I have raised you well, Hikaru." His mother said, a slight smile on her lips. "Make me proud."

And there was one figure beside him. Hikaru turned his head to meet Satsuki's brilliant green eyes, greener even than this world he created. Her smile seemed to inflame his spirit, and as she reached out, putting her hand on his shoulder, it seemed to set his heart ablaze.

"You don't have to carry this all on your own, remember?" Satsuki said, her eyes still on his. "We improve each other. We can do this together."

And so, no longer alone, never alone, Hikaru turned to face his foe. It still towered over him. It was still more powerful than he could imagine. It didn't matter anymore. He was not afraid. Closing his eyes, Hikaru reached for his familiar hilt. His hand closed over it, as it had a thousand times before.

"My Lady." Hikaru whispered. "I am coming." He drew.

There was no sword. Hikaru swept a beam of light across his foe, banishing it, dispersing it with only a last frustrated scream. The nightmare was gone. He was free. Hikaru smiled, even as his eyes closed, a tear running down his cheek as his closest cheered for him.

He won.


Will/etiquette, VP 1k1, 1 FR successful practice | 5k4+5 ⇒ 31 (TN: 25)
Lucid Dreaming Roll 2, Paint/Awareness, VP1k1, 1CR | 7k4 ⇒ 43 (TN: 30)
Lucid Dreaming Roll 3, Iai/Void, VP1k1, 2FR | 8k5 ⇒ 34 (TN: 30)
Crane Clan * Romantic, but also Stay Away From Me * Very Flammable * Stick Bearer * The Impossible Dream
Status: 3.0 • Glory: 3.0 • Honor: Exceptional

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