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Hisomu Tadaka
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Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2023 4:32 am

A Path in the Dark (Goju's Dreams)

Post by Hisomu Tadaka »

The Will Shapes the Dream: Goju feels the dream tries to control him. Goju allows the virtue sincerity to guide him. He is becoming a better man. He won't let Jigoku itself stop him. He let his promise to his uncle guide him.

The Will Shapes the Dream: Sincerity/Willpower VOID | 5k4 ⇒ 30 (TN: 25)

The Dream Shapes the Form: Understanding what this is through his study of Name magic, Goju attempts to shape it. He uses it to create path of purity in the darkness that surrounds him. His Name was weak. He could not create a strong path for himself. He had to make sure to get out of here before Yume-Jigoku noticed what he did.

The Dream Shapes the Form: Lore Nezumi (Name)/Int Seeker Tech VOID | 6k4 ⇒ 39 (TN: 25)

The Form Shapes the World: Goju wanted to be man of the seas, but he was not one. At least not yet. He was a sneak. Which fortunately for him, was what he needed to be. He moved along his little protective path quickly and silently before Yume-Jigoku could notice what he had done.

The Form Shapes the World: Stealth/Agility VOID Free Raise used to lower TN | 10k6 ⇒ 40 (TN: 35)

Lucid Dreamer Advantage Gained!
Spider Clan Bushi * Ninja * Seeker of the Sea * Naval * Destined for Greatness * Captain of The Jolly Jellyfish * Formerly Hisomu Goju * Name Restored
Honor: Untrustworthy/Status: 3.0/Glory: 3.0
Items: Bronze Sword, Jade, Light Armor

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