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Yumi's Dream

Post by Yumi »

She finds herself wandering along the road again. Blue Lotus Village was years ago, and she remembered how her bow had been instrumental in breakout of the the area after the barrier around the village went down. Hundreds of monsters of Yume-Jigoku had turned out to be hovering around the borders of the village, and they'd had to evacuate the whole area through a path that the Imperial Legions had opened for them. She had held the monsters back, and everyone had gotten through safely.

With the remaining Thunders and the people in the village safe, they had cleared out the last of the surrounding monsters, able to bring their full weight to bear.

Now she wandered again, the roads much more peaceful. She had a companion now, one of the children from the village. She had lost her parents to Yume-Jigoku corruption much like Yumi herself had, and asked to learn the bow from her. She had turned out to be an apt pupil. She was skilled with the bow, yes, but also turned out to be a highly perceptive tracker. She remembered many long evenings now, talking or just spending time in comfortable silence.

They had both lost family, but they had chosen a new one.

The dream ends.
Vagrant | Hunter | Loner | Tribal Ways | Follower of the Path | Dream Necklace | Jade Necklace | Great Destiny
What is Expected - Status: None - Glory: 1.0

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