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Events of the Never Present.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 3:52 am
by Isawa Kyosei
Kyosei had barely been able to keep his eyes open, and dropped to sleep easily. Unlike the previous night, he did not have a nightmare.

At least, not an obvious one....


Kyosei steered the wagon into the family compound and drew to a stop. Several of the servants came out to take the pony. He gave them a nod, remembering his own humble origins. He might be very wealthy now, but he never forgot that he started out barely above the lowest level, barely more than a slave, to be honest.

"Daddy, daddy!" His oldest son, Jiro, and daughter, Arashihime, named after his Sensei's sister, came running out and jumped at him, allowing him to catch them up and swing them around. He laughed in joy at the enthusiastic greeting they gave, and gave each a hug. "You're getting big! Soon you'll be picking me up when I get back!"

Their laughter at his joke helped to settle his heart. It always hurt a little, when he came back, remembering the day he returned to find out his second daughter had passed, much like this day. He gave a quiet smile as he saw his wife waiting for him at the door. She leaned up a little and gave him a kiss on the cheek when he reached her, still carrying his two oldest, as the two children made "Yuck!" sounds.

"How's little Taro doing? Taking his nap?" He set the two kids down, and they started running in circles around the parents.

"Hai. He finally settled down, despite these two making so much noise." She settled under his arm, as they walked into the family area of the compound.

"Daddy, daddy! Did you bring us anything?!" The kids chanted, as he chuckled. Reaching into his travel robes, he pulled a couple of wooden boxes out.

"Here you go," he said, handing one to each. "It's a puzzle box, and there's a treat inside."

The pair, 6 and 8 winters, grabbed the offered items, and started to work on them, falling to the floor. Kyosei and Akiohime leaned together on the mat, against the wall, watching them. "And what did you bring for little Hachiko?"

Kyosei looked over at her, concerned. Hachiko had died in the winter, while he was traveling. She gestured at the door to the sleeping chambers, and
a little 4 year old girl shuffled into the room....

Kyosei did feel that, with enough effort, he might have been able to hold on to the little girl. But, from the way he was raised, losing several of his own siblings, his father early, he had a peasant's acceptance of bad things happening, of that forging him into the person he was now.


When Kyosei woke in the morning, he wasn't sure if he was blessed to spend a night with his lost child, or cursed to never have the chance again.... It was a very bittersweet morning.