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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:30 am

Satsuki meanwhile was still chewing slowly through her piece of peach. "Lush forests, huh?" she chuckled warmly. It did sound very poetic and romantic.

"Of course I'll go home after all this is over. But I don't think there will be more challenges ahead after this... I'm sure mom and dad will accept anyone I've chosen myself. And it's not like he's a complete stranger either." Her mother being too nice to say no, and her father having learned long ago that his children will do as they please a lot of the time.

"Hey, since we're on the topic, have any of my Hida cousins found a partner yet? Apart from Ananzihime, and Genji, not many of us cousins have married yet."
Anjing groans.
"Oh don't get me started on the little Hidas and Anjings of the world. They're either causing trouble, planning how to cause trouble, or being scolded for causing trouble. And marriage is's complicated."
She look over at Satsuki, clearly troubled.

"I want my children to be healthy, strong and happy, they need to be able to lead the Clan when Hida and I are gone. But, that means they might have to make some sacrifices. There are some alliances that could be sealed by marriage, some of them pretty important. Best case we find a good match that also strengths our alliances, that's what I pray for."
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Anjing wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:38 am
Anjing groans.
"Oh don't get me started on the little Hidas and Anjings of the world. They're either causing trouble, planning how to cause trouble, or being scolded for causing trouble. And marriage is's complicated."
She look over at Satsuki, clearly troubled.

"I want my children to be healthy, strong and happy, they need to be able to lead the Clan when Hida and I are gone. But, that means they might have to make some sacrifices. There are some alliances that could be sealed by marriage, some of them pretty important. Best case we find a good match that also strengths our alliances, that's what I pray for."
"Now you sound like auntie Kinsen," Satsuki remarked with pursed lips. Which mostly hid how absolutely bat-shit insane she thought that aunt was.

"Not saying you're wrong about alliances and stuff, but... I dunno, I don't think people marrying just for alliances is good? What if they don't like eachother? Sounds pretty terrible for an alliance, if you ask me." She picked up another piece of dried peach before sipping some more of the tea.

"But I do think that the clans must be careful to not drift away from eachother and become isolated. Maybe something like an exchange of students? The Crab have some of the finest bushi in the Empire, but lack in other avenues. The Dragon have recently developed a training dojo for shugenja, and the Saru artisans make excellent diplomats too. Some open exchange there could be nice? Especially if we could apply it to all the clans! We would learn more about one another that way."
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:57 am

"Now you sound like auntie Kinsen," Satsuki remarked with pursed lips. Which mostly hid how absolutely bat-shit insane she thought that aunt was.

"Not saying you're wrong about alliances and stuff, but... I dunno, I don't think people marrying just for alliances is good? What if they don't like eachother? Sounds pretty terrible for an alliance, if you ask me." She picked up another piece of dried peach before sipping some more of the tea.

"But I do think that the clans must be careful to not drift away from eachother and become isolated. Maybe something like an exchange of students? The Crab have some of the finest bushi in the Empire, but lack in other avenues. The Dragon have recently developed a training dojo for shugenja, and the Saru artisans make excellent diplomats too. Some open exchange there could be nice? Especially if we could apply it to all the clans! We would learn more about one another that way."
"Tssk. I won't deny I would prefer a happy marriage for them, a long happy marriage with all the ups and downs and full of the love they deserve. Guess it depends who the other matches are."

Anjing leans forward slightly, clearly interested in Satsuki's proposal. "You mean we don't have many wise people and patrolling an entire mountain range costs a fortune? Couldn't agree more. Be happy to propose something more formal to the Clan back home. As for all the Clans-" Clearly not as enthused. "-Maybe, might be a harder ask. Still, no harm in thinking it over. We have some ideas, but its early stages yet, lots of moving peaces."

Now grumpily sipping her tea.
"Running things is much harder than just doing them, worst part of leadership."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Anjing wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:22 am
"Tssk. I won't deny I would prefer a happy marriage for them, a long happy marriage with all the ups and downs and full of the love they deserve. Guess it depends who the other matches are."

Anjing leans forward slightly, clearly interested in Satsuki's proposal. "You mean we don't have many wise people and patrolling an entire mountain range costs a fortune? Couldn't agree more. Be happy to propose something more formal to the Clan back home. As for all the Clans-" Clearly not as enthused. "-Maybe, might be a harder ask. Still, no harm in thinking it over. We have some ideas, but its early stages yet, lots of moving peaces."

Now grumpily sipping her tea.
"Running things is much harder than just doing them, worst part of leadership."
Aha, I see Makime's talk about diversions work in conversations too and not just on the battlefield! Thinking this, Satsuki happily snacked on the fruit.

"Mm, I can only imagine. My siblings and I have been learning more and more about that the past years now - I guess our parents are either preparing us for the day when we take up the leadership, or just want us to know their struggles." Mostly it was that the trio of kids had decided to help out as much as they could. "But I'll certainly bring that back to the clan after this. We're all family, and we're also neighbours, so it's just natural to help eachother where we can."

Dragon weren't exactly the richest though, but perhaps in time, Great Falls would help with that as it became the center of trade in the north. At least she had heard some hope for that.

"I hope they find happy marriages though. Be it a Crab, Spider, Stag, or Crane. Everyone deserves to find happiness in love."
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:42 am

"I hope they find happy marriages though. Be it a Crab, Spider, Stag, or Crane. Everyone deserves to find happiness in love."
"Maybe not the Stag."
She drains her cup and refills Satsuki's first if she needs more before her own.

"I am sure our two families will remain friends, life is hard enough in the North, when we stand together, we prosper. We have not forgotten that the Dragon were one of the Clans that helped us when we were in need. People remember actions like that."
Settling back, thorough distracted.

"Ah, I do like planning ahead, that the empire does not end. And between you and I dear, I'm mostly concerned because so much of my family is in the damn thing. "
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Anjing wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:49 am
"Maybe not the Stag."
She drains her cup and refills Satsuki's first if she needs more before her own.

"I am sure our two families will remain friends, life is hard enough in the North, when we stand together, we prosper. We have not forgotten that the Dragon were one of the Clans that helped us when we were in need. People remember actions like that."
Settling back, thorough distracted.

"Ah, I do like planning ahead, that the empire does not end. And between you and I dear, I'm mostly concerned because so much of my family is in the damn thing. "
She accepted the refill and took another sip. "Mm... yeah. There are many of us here. Not as many as we were at the Winter Court five years ago, but many still. Out of everyone though, I'm mostly worried about Nao-chan. She's so young, and inexperienced." The young woman sighed. "Sure, she's got some amazing abilities at her young age, but she's also so vulnerable."

Her hand tightened its hold on the cup. "I can't change it, but I often wish she hadn't come here. Now I just got to keep her safe. Along with everyone else."

Satsuki had even distracted herself from the original topic at this point.

"I just don't want to lose anyone. Anyone here, or auntie Doji who's been fighting this alone for so long." If only I had realised things sooner, maybe she wouldn't be alone now.
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:42 am
Anjing sits quietly for a few moments.
"I pray that we all live, that the Nao child survives and that Doji herself recovers. I pray that Shinsei's path is revealed to us and we walk out of this fog into the brightness of Lady Amaterasu's day. And I wish in my heart of hearts for that to occur and should that be our fate you will hear nobody thank the Fortunes louder than I. But-"

With a little ice in her voice.
"-If that is not the case, if the child dies, if Doji dies, if I die, if Hikaru and everyone here you care about dies, I will expect you to keep your sword in your hand and keep fighting. You have to be stronger now than you have ever been, maybe stronger than you will ever need to be again. That's what it means to keep people safe."
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Anjing wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:09 am

Satsuki tightened her grip on the cup in her hands, forcing it to turn between her fingers (instead of trying to break it which would've been an exercise in futility) as she bit her lip.

"I know," she murmured at first. "I... came here because I felt a call to be here. But it's only because I've been spending the past years trying to help as I can. To protect, to help. I know it's what I must do, when it happens." It felt more like a question of when, than if, to her, as she had thought much about it since her talk with Ai a couple of days ago.

"It's... yes, we're at a point in time where I just have to find that resolve, to keep fighting even if I might feel like there's no one left to fight for."
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:24 pm

Satsuki tightened her grip on the cup in her hands, forcing it to turn between her fingers (instead of trying to break it which would've been an exercise in futility) as she bit her lip.

"I know," she murmured at first. "I... came here because I felt a call to be here. But it's only because I've been spending the past years trying to help as I can. To protect, to help. I know it's what I must do, when it happens." It felt more like a question of when, than if, to her, as she had thought much about it since her talk with Ai a couple of days ago.

"It's... yes, we're at a point in time where I just have to find that resolve, to keep fighting even if I might feel like there's no one left to fight for."
"Even if it feels like there's no-one left, there's always the future. No matter how grim things get, you can always fight for that."
Anjing looks approvingly.

"You understand what's at stake then. Good, when the time comes I shall not worry about you doing what must be done. But we have both become distracted from what we started speaking on, hmmm? I suppose the end of the world does that, butting into conversations, getting in the way of courtships."

A little sympathetically. "Distracting my nieces from their happy moments. It's quite inconsiderate. But I count myself very fortunate that destiny called me here, one more person I can rely on."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Anjing wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 8:05 pm
"Even if it feels like there's no-one left, there's always the future. No matter how grim things get, you can always fight for that."
Anjing looks approvingly.

"You understand what's at stake then. Good, when the time comes I shall not worry about you doing what must be done. But we have both become distracted from what we started speaking on, hmmm? I suppose the end of the world does that, butting into conversations, getting in the way of courtships."

A little sympathetically. "Distracting my nieces from their happy moments. It's quite inconsiderate. But I count myself very fortunate that destiny called me here, one more person I can rely on."
"You're right," she nodded and looked at the older woman with a playful smirk. "Let it not be said that auntie Anjing isn't wise and insightful too."

With a chuckle, she took another sip of tea as she managed to relax her grip on the cup. "Happiness and hardships exist side-by-side it seems. The happiness seems to be the same still - love, family, friends. Hardships seem to change, but also remains unchanging. I never hear the end of stories of how easy us kids have it today."
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 11:48 pm

"You're right," she nodded and looked at the older woman with a playful smirk. "Let it not be said that auntie Anjing isn't wise and insightful too."

With a chuckle, she took another sip of tea as she managed to relax her grip on the cup. "Happiness and hardships exist side-by-side it seems. The happiness seems to be the same still - love, family, friends. Hardships seem to change, but also remains unchanging. I never hear the end of stories of how easy us kids have it today."
"Let me tell you Satsuki, in our day even the apocalypses were harder. Back then you had to walk hundreds of miles into cursed realms just to get into hell. Nowadays hell turns up at a village in the middle of the empire and everyone just commutes over."

Wagging a finger at the other woman.
"Much easier, destiny spoils you. When you're old with your next apocalypse you can say the same thing to the next generation. 'You have it so easy! In my day Auntie Anjing spent all her hours nagging me about how easy I had it!' Then they can nag the next generation, and so on. It's the way of things."

A little more somberly. "Things were hard back then, but they're hard now. You're right there. And what's important has changed, but it's still the same, it's who you care about."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Anjing wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 12:07 am
"Let me tell you Satsuki, in our day even the apocalypses were harder. Back then you had to walk hundreds of miles into cursed realms just to get into hell. Nowadays hell turns up at a village in the middle of the empire and everyone just commutes over."

Wagging a finger at the other woman.
"Much easier, destiny spoils you. When you're old with your next apocalypse you can say the same thing to the next generation. 'You have it so easy! In my day Auntie Anjing spent all her hours nagging me about how easy I had it!' Then they can nag the next generation, and so on. It's the way of things."

A little more somberly. "Things were hard back then, but they're hard now. You're right there. And what's important has changed, but it's still the same, it's who you care about."
With a laugh, Satsuki nodded. "When we make it through this one, I'll make sure to say that to the next generation. And scare them about stories of auntie Anjing!"

Another sip of tea.

"Is there anything you miss about the times before? Before you met Hida?"
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 2:59 am

With a laugh, Satsuki nodded. "When we make it through this one, I'll make sure to say that to the next generation. And scare them about stories of auntie Anjing!"

Another sip of tea.

"Is there anything you miss about the times before? Before you met Hida?"
Anjing barks out a laugh. "Make me extra intimidating, lots of flowery language something to put the fear of the Fortunes into them."

She thinks for a moment on the question, turning the cup around in her hands.
"There was still plenty of fear back then, the raids from the south were getting worse, more and more monsters were appearing, we didn't know if we'd survive. Maybe the problems were smaller? They felt huge then, too heavy to lift no matter how we struggled."

The cup is gently placed down as Anjing laces her hands for a moment, her eyes distant.
"Maybe the freedom to chart our own path? We've lost control over so much...but what good is the freedom to choose any path if they all leave to an early grave?" Shrugging slightly. "A lot has changed, it's funny looking back to who I was. I guess I'm still on the same mission I was on when I heard about the gods who fell, making sure me people would survive no matter what."

Unclasping her hands and picking her cup back up.
"Your mother must have told you all about the early years though?"
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Anjing wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 3:20 am
Anjing barks out a laugh. "Make me extra intimidating, lots of flowery language something to put the fear of the Fortunes into them."

She thinks for a moment on the question, turning the cup around in her hands.
"There was still plenty of fear back then, the raids from the south were getting worse, more and more monsters were appearing, we didn't know if we'd survive. Maybe the problems were smaller? They felt huge then, too heavy to lift no matter how we struggled."

The cup is gently placed down as Anjing laces her hands for a moment, her eyes distant.
"Maybe the freedom to chart our own path? We've lost control over so much...but what good is the freedom to choose any path if they all leave to an early grave?" Shrugging slightly. "A lot has changed, it's funny looking back to who I was. I guess I'm still on the same mission I was on when I heard about the gods who fell, making sure me people would survive no matter what."

Unclasping her hands and picking her cup back up.
"Your mother must have told you all about the early years though?"

"She's told me many stories, but her stories of the past are hers. Your story is different," her smile was calm, thoughtful even. "I learned the past years, working with my friends to bring together a common ground for the different shugenja of the clan, is that everyone's stories of their different pasts are different. Mom's stories speak more of the Ayakashi than the Seidou after all."

Satsuki laughed softly. "Still strange to think that she and uncle Yuzuru were like the odd ones out of their tribe to marry - bind their life to a lover. Now everyone talks about marriage."
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 3:28 am

"She's told me many stories, but her stories of the past are hers. Your story is different," her smile was calm, thoughtful even. "I learned the past years, working with my friends to bring together a common ground for the different shugenja of the clan, is that everyone's stories of their different pasts are different. Mom's stories speak more of the Ayakashi than the Seidou after all."

Satsuki laughed softly. "Still strange to think that she and uncle Yuzuru were like the odd ones out of their tribe to marry - bind their life to a lover. Now everyone talks about marriage."
"Traditions start somewhere. Some from the people, some from the Kami. The things I did with Hida...I mean uh, when we were courting. The things we did, hunting bandits, throwing eachother mostly me through trees. Oh I couldn't see straight for days afterwards."
A happy sigh, it had been very romantic.

"Still, not the easiest things to formalize, not like marriage. And your mom didn't rush, oh no, she had sure Togashi was the one. Don't think either of them threw the other through anything. Besides, you seem to be really enjoying all this romance stuff? And neither of you are rushing, certainly not Hikaru, sweet Fortunes."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Anjing wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 3:46 am
"Traditions start somewhere. Some from the people, some from the Kami. The things I did with Hida...I mean uh, when we were courting. The things we did, hunting bandits, throwing eachother mostly me through trees. Oh I couldn't see straight for days afterwards."
A happy sigh, it had been very romantic.

"Still, not the easiest things to formalize, not like marriage. And your mom didn't rush, oh no, she had sure Togashi was the one. Don't think either of them threw the other through anything. Besides, you seem to be really enjoying all this romance stuff? And neither of you are rushing, certainly not Hikaru, sweet Fortunes."
Satsuki's eyebrows rose, mostly in surprise that some of the stories her mother had told her were true about Anjing and Hida. I thought she was exaggerating.

"Nothing wrong with taking the time to make sure it's a real love, and not just a passing infatuation, yeah?" she chuckled a tad nervously as she hadn't exactly pushed Hikaru either. "But I think he's stopped waiting now at least, now that he got his tasks and my permission."
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 3:52 am

Satsuki's eyebrows rose, mostly in surprise that some of the stories her mother had told her were true about Anjing and Hida. I thought she was exaggerating.

"Nothing wrong with taking the time to make sure it's a real love, and not just a passing infatuation, yeah?" she chuckled a tad nervously as she hadn't exactly pushed Hikaru either. "But I think he's stopped waiting now at least, now that he got his tasks and my permission."
"Not too fast, not too slow, that's what I told him. I hope he'll apply that rule to most things in life." With a straight face. "Might come in handy. Just...if he needs to be chivvied on, don't be afraid to give him a nudge. He's the hero sort."

Anjing pauses.
"In one sense at least. Some folk are always off saving the world, they see a problem and they say 'How can I do anything while this problem exists? I'd be greedy to place my own pleasure ahead of this issue'. So they put everything, family, friends their health to the side and go out to fix it. It's good in little doses, but too much is harmful. He doesn't eat enough, he flirts with pretty women but doesn't allow himself to ask them to throw him through a tree because the quest will come first and the thought of putting the quest aside rocks him to his core. You're going to need to keep him focused on you and on himself."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Togashi Satsuki
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Anjing wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 4:07 am
"I think we'll both have to keep eachother focused and grounded, from time to time. But that's what relationships, and marriage, is all about, mhm?" she remarked, smirking a little. "I know mom sometimes pushes dad a bit to do things - he gets too caught up in thinking about the future, sometimes forgetting the now in the process. So it's a good thing she's around to remind him of it."

Another snack was picked out, this time some roasted nuts.

"Hikaru is a good person. And yeah, a bit of a hero too. I guess that's what drew me to him when we met. And because it's funny to poke at him when he gets too serious and prim."
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:27 am

"That'll keep him grounded. Now that you mention it, he told me that when you two first met there was a case of mistaken identity? A hug received that was intended for another, hmmm?"
Anjing continues snacking aggressively, like the snacks might disappear into the fog at any moment.

"What exactly happened? This was at that ghastly winter court with the demons, your first court apocalypse, I believe you described it. A hug for a Crab is no thing, but it sounds like a hug for a Crane might cause their heart to explode."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Status: 7.0 • Honor: Lip Service • Glory: 6.5

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Re: At Centre Court [Day 3 LM - Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Anjing wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:36 am
"Oh," she seemed surprised, but pleasantly so judging by her laugh. "Yeah, that... a mixed identity is about right. I hadn't really seen much of my cousins from the south yet at that point. So when I heard one of my Crane cousins were going to marry a handsome man..."

Satsuki brushed her hair away from her face as she smiled awkwardly.

"I thought he was the groom, so I thought I'd give him a hug to welcome him to the family. I didn't know then that they aren't so prickly about that." And in hindsight she was glad she hadn't hugged Hadananzi.
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 4.0 (possibly Togashi's Heir) 🐉 Glory: 3.0
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Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver, scrolls in a satchel, jade bracelet and a jade-conch, Guqin (on occassion), wide-brimmed hat with veil, travel cloak with fur.

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