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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Shiba Kumori »

Kumori starts a little at the suddenness in which it went back to what she had been talking about.

She shook her head a little to shake off the jolt and replied, “Uhh… oh well… I was just saying that Chouri-san… The village headwoman is… a bit of a complicated individual. I’m sure there will be more information available tomorrow after I discuss what happened with some of the others… but some of the things we’ve been experiencing are the result of Jigoku’s direct influence over the proceedings.”

She paused, “But hopefully now we will have Chouri and the villagers as our allies against the impending conflict…”

Her words were much more formal than before… adapting to the new guest almost subconsciously.
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara followed the exchange, wondering if perhaps she was... misunderstanding things? They seemed rather formal.

Glancing back at Norikage, she attempted to read his expression, as best she could, though it wasn't exactly her strong suit.

"I thought they were... already our allies. Were they not?"

The way Kumori had begun hiding her statements behind euphemisms gave her a distinct impression she was not wanted here, or at least, not trusted in the conversation.

Which implied the opposite of her earlier thought...

This was very difficult.
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"Well, yes", he said without surprise to Kumori. "The villagers here are victims, not part of the problem, they don't understand anything from what I've seen." He sat now a bit properly as well, folding his arms into his sleeves. "Chouri-san as well, huh? Anything to do with her tattoo or anything? Did anyone take a look at the ritual writings she had in her house yet?" He smirked slightly. "Assuming that's what I saw when you and I went there after arriving. I know I told Sora-ji-chan to go there and use a little bit of family authority, also told Shinsei he needed to get up to the Shrine and clear up whatever malevolence is going on there."
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Shiba Kumori »

She listened to Norikage and nodded and replied to the both of them.

“There was some doubt regarding the intentions of some of the rituals… For good reasons… But hopefully those concerns can dissipate a bit going forward.”
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"I see."

She did not see.

"In either case, it is not something I can mend tonight."

Reaching for her bag, she drew out the draft of fortifying potion, and then paused, suddenly realizing it would be rude not to offer it to Kumori as well. The complexity of the social norms here escaped her, and she momentarily froze, trying to sort through the options.

After a pause while she struggled with her desires and hopes, she finally said, "I brought the draft I mentioned previously, Norikage-san. The one to help you rest - There is enough that you could possibly split it with Shiba-sama, if she also has had trouble sleeping these last few days."
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Shiba Kumori »

Kumori shook her head, “I’ve slept quite well in comparison. You don’t need to worry about me. I will partake of your willingness only.”

She smiled to ease the tension and any social awkwardness.
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara looked askance at her, and then at Norikage.

She wasn't sure how to proceed, so she simply... did.

"Well... I had promised Norikage-san a lullaby, and this draught, in hopes it might help him rest. I did not realize there would be anyone else here, however. I would not wish to impose upon you, Shiba-samna."
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

Oh. OOohh. How do I...hmmm.

Norikage blamed himself. At least he couldn't get that part wrong. He bowed his head toward the Ryoshun. "Yukara-san, thank you. I know you give this gift willingly, and it is the smallest of sentiments toward you I can do but to accept it gracefully. The sincerity you showed in the offer is enough to set my mind at ease."

He straightened and grinned at her. Hoping that she could see she didn't need to sing, and he perhaps was egging her on a bit.

Still, he was a horrible person and couldn't help himself.

"Though I admit, I would still like to hear you sing, but I won't put any pressure on you if you do not feel right about it in the moment."
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Shiba Kumori »

Kumori looked at the two of them and gave a polite smile.

“I can step out and come back in a bit… Give you two some privacy.”
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

Norikage looked surprised, perhaps slightly nervous. "Kum-, Shiba-hime I don't think that...I mean you're the guest here too and we couldn't ask you to step out. We are all friends here, aren't we?"

His expression calms somewhat as he fixes her with a momentary look. "There's no great personal business, there is nothing to hide here, is there?"
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Shiba Kumori »

“I don’t know. That’s between you two is it not?” She said with a smile.

“It sounds like Yukara-san had prepared something nice for you. It would be rude to refuse her now after accepting, no?”

Her smile tightened ever so slightly as she remarked, “I can go out for a walk. It’s no trouble.”

She smiled at the two of them and prepared to stand…
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"Would it be so bad if there was something?"

Yukara blurted out, and then turned beet red. Yet she couldn't take it back now. "Or was everything you said just... a game? Tease the foolish monk girl who does not know any better?"

Now beet red, she also moved, as if standing, "I did not realize I would be intruding, I apologize for my imposition..."
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Shiba Kumori »

Seeing the girl get flustered caused Kumori to calm naturally even while she stood ready to go.

She smiled, “Please stay and discuss that with Norikage-san. It’s not my place to say one way or the other. Norikage-san is a good man… I’m sure he will explain to the best of his ability.”

She bowed and as nobly as possible made her way out the door.
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Now deprived of the opportunity to flee, Yukara sank back down into seiza, beet red and humiliated.

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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

He didn't sigh. No matter how much he felt he wanted to. Instead, he scowled slightly as Kumori left. Then when he turned his gaze back toward Yukara, he smiled. "Well", he said, scratching the back of his head.

I'm a good man, huh?

"I've made something noble and kind you wanted to do for me into something awkward", he told her and bowed his head. "It wasn't my intention. I've found value in befriending you, and I would not like to put that in danger by hurting your feelings. Please stay, Yukara-san."

No, I'm definitely trash.

He was honest, but he had always been terrible at apologizing, at seeming completely sincere, at expunging any idea of another motive behind what he said, or perhaps he could never even convince himself he meant it. All he knew in that moment is if she hated him now, he probably deserved it.
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara kept her head ducked, face red, trying to figure out how to respond.

Finally, she reached out, uncorked the bottle, and took a swig, leaving half, and then pushed the stopper back in and pushed it back toward him. "There. As punishment, I only give you half."

Her voice was a little shaky, and she continued, trying to compose herself. "I am simply... I am confused. I believed I understood what you were saying to me. I thought you were showing interest in me as... as a woman. Not just an acquaintance."

Clenching her fist, she held it in her lap, her entire frame tense as she tried to sort through her thoughts. "Yet I believe I misunderstood. Either in your intentions, or in your relationship with Shiba-sama... and if so, if you were to compare, how could I even compare? I am just a yokel, a killer, a fool mystic with only scatterings of wisdom... a one armed stray beside an Imperial Princess."

Letting out a little hiccup, she laughed, weakly. "So... I appreciate the kindness you have shown me, and I am sorry if I have misunderstood and made a mess for you."
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

He clucked his tongue.


He did it again.

"Well, I think you are the only one comparing yourself to the princess", he told her plainly. He reached across and took up the potion, drinking it without pause. Slapping it down on the table he fixed her with a stare. "It's hardly fair to compare you to each other, you're so different. In the best ways, you're both so different from each other." He hung his head. "Don't blame yourself for this. did so well, you grew in such a short time. I'm actually proud of you, I admire the strength you showed since I met you."
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara listened, expression clouded, and then she scooted a little closer, gazing at his face, into his eyes.

She then inquired, simply and earnestly, "What am I to you then, Norikage-san? I am confused - I seek clarity. Please."
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"You're special to me, you're my good friend Yukara-san", he said simply. "When we met, it was fun, and perhaps I caused you trouble, but...I thought it was a crime how you saw yourself as unworthy, or unlikeable."

He placed his hand on the table between them. "Now look at you, you're borrowed clothes, you've cared for your hair, you blush, you have more cares than you did when you came here. I would be a shame if you never felt that."

Regardless of what he might say, his eyes were conflicted.

"I would never lie about caring about you, though. So please, don't think this was just some manner of joke."
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Re: [D4, LE] Trying Everything Pt 2

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"You have made my life a great deal more complicated." She shook her head, still rosy cheeked, and offered a weak smile. "I will not consider this a joke then. It still leaves me with a great uncertainty, but I will say that I am... like a cat. I do not think I should like to share."

Scooting a tiny bit closer, she added, bluntly, "So I suppose I will have to ask you what you intend. What you wish me to be... what you wish her to be."

She was uncomfortably close now.

"If you do not know, perhaps you should think about it, Norikage-san."
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