Ryoshun Yukara wrote: ↑Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:55 amYukara sat down, and while she was fairly sure she understood the issue at hand, she wasn't entirely positive. Still, she put brush to parchment and scrabbled out, in heinous script that would embarrass a child:
That was probably how it worked. She was fairly certain.hELlo, pEoPle oF thiS lOVeYy vILlAge.
You arE cuRrEnTly liVinG oN ThE dOorwAy to hELl. ThIs is bAD. I bELiEvE I woUld bE corrEct in sAYinG it is VEry bAd. IF tHe mAGicaL EndEavOrs bEing atTEmptEd by thE sAmurAi hErE arE not succEssFul, you wILl probAbly go crAZy and thEn tURn intO dEmonS. THat will Also bE bAD.
Actionable, straightforward. Honest. That was what her sensei taught her. Never lie, not even with a pretty lie to spare the feelings.If you bEcomE dEmOns, I wILl HAve to KilL yOu. I Do nOt wiSH to Do So, but I Am tASkEd with huNTing and kiLLing dEmons. I killEd OnE a fEw dAys ago, whEn it sEt fire to yOur barns. If yOu do Not Do whaT yoU arE tOLd, yoU wiLL becomE a dEmOn anD try to SEt fiRE tO your baRns, aNd thEn I wILl kILl you. ThAt wOUld bE uNfoRtunatE.
Handing the message off, she was sure that they would see the wisdom of her words.KiLLINg alL of You wouLd bE vEry TIRing, and aLSo qUIte dEprESsing. ThEREforE, I aSk that You do As You are TOld and Do Not Turn into dEmons. ThEn wE can bE friEndS.
OthErwisE YoU will bE dEaD, anD I will bE sAd.
WiTh grEat sINcEriTy,
Ryoshun Yukara
Seriously, this event is gold.