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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Doji Hikaru »

"Yes." Hikaru agreed, smiling. "Finding the right song was a bit of a challenge. But even when I found the wrong song for... for this, it was right for something else. I think that the Crane and the Dragon should grow closer; they have much to learn from each other."

In fact, they were rather close right now. Hikaru tried to turn his head, but his white lock had gotten entwined with Satsuki's hair. "Sorry." He said, laughing softly, turning his head back, the motion bringing his face closer to hers. He took a deep breath, his eyes on hers.

He kissed her, then, gentle at first, but growing to deep and passionate in moments. He could feel her heat, warming his chill... and then he pulled back suddenly.

"Lady Doji is... not well." Hikaru said, looking away, chest rising and falling as he took deep breaths.
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

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With their white locks of hair entwined, Satsuki was about to raise a hand to begin separating the strands... then paused, seeing his face up close, feeling his warm breath on her skin, and her eyes now locking with his.

Then came the kiss, which spoke louder than the words they'd been unable to utter. At first she was taken aback, but then felt the heat rise on her lips, going to her face and neck too, and her raised hand sought his - only to meet nothing as he pulled away suddenly.

The hand lingered in the air for a moment, before coming to rest against her chin. Her calloused fingertips touched her hot lips. "Yeah... and, well... temptation and all might be bad. With everything that's happening, right?" Satsuki's voice was quiet, almost uncertain, and her eyes flickered between Hikaru and the instrument in her lap.
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru's own hand clenched down at his side. It almost hurt to see her hand, held aloft for him, the struggle evident in the twist of his handsome features. He could reach out, take her hand...

So why didn't he?

"I don't know." Hikaru answered both her and himself, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. It just feels like there's so much..." His eyes closed, his hand brushing across his own face instead. His worry lines were very much visible again. "I feel better when I'm with you, I just..." He shook his head, once again failing to find the words. Duty and courtly training were both heavy yokes.
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

"Hikaru..." she said softly, unsure of what exactly to say, but Satsuki felt she needed to comfort him.

Propriety be damned though, and her hand found him this time, resting on the back of his shoulder to offer him some comfort. "... You don't have to carry all this on your own, you know. We're all here to help her. You're not alone."
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Doji Hikaru »

The tension in Hikaru's form was obvious at a touch. And yet, after moments, Satsuki would feel him relax. Not entirely, but somewhat.

"Satsuki..." Hikaru whispered. His hand came up, touching hers. Then, he turned his head, gently kissing her fingers as his eyes opened, meeting hers. "I do know. And thank you." Real feeling was in his voice. "I've known since that night, years ago." When she had faced her fears, giving over control to her Curse to help him in his quest.

Taking a deep breath, Hikaru smiled. "You play very well too." He changed to a lighter subject. "How old were you when you learned that song?"
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Her cheeks turned a shade of pink that stood out against the paleness of her skin and hair. Score one to Hikaru for making her flustered with his gentle kisses against her fingers. "Well, she is my family too... and I understand she is very important to you."

The change of subject made her smile a bit with relief, and she chuckled softly. "Thanks. Ah, I don't remember quite when I learned it... maybe when I was around ten winters and I started spending more time in Great Falls? The Saru are equally preserving the old songs and stories as they're creating new ones. Or maybe I heard it before...? I feel like mom was singing these to us since we were small." Now it was her turn to take a deep breath. "I really miss them all. And, I hope I see them again."
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru smiled, seeing that flush in Satsuki's cheeks. "Yes." He said gently. "To both of us."

With the change of subject, Hikaru slowly released her hand. "I see..." His tone was almost wistful, although he smiled. "It wasn't until I was older that I was exposed to any music outside of Lady Doji's court. Or, at least, that I knew. Now I've heard songs that I know must have inspired some of the courtly songs I knew in my own youth. The Saru way of it is as it should be." Hikaru nodded firm agreement.

Now it was his turn to put a reassuring hand on Satsuki's shoulder; it seemed Hikaru was growing more comfortable with touch. "As much as it is within my power, you will. I swear it." Hikaru said.
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

"Mom does seem to have some influence all over with the Kami sometimes," she chuckled without really understanding how her mother had earned such fame and friendship with almost all the clans. "Doesn't surprise me that the old Ayakashi culture spreads out thanks to her." And uncle Yuzuru.

Her smile grew in response to the hand on her shoulder. "I know you will. Ever since you promised to protect me. And I want you to see your Lady again, and your family too. Your mother must be worried about you, no?"
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Doji Hikaru »

"Indeed not." Hikaru said, smiling as Satsuki chuckled. "Your mother is as famous as Lady Anjing or Lady Makime; perhaps even moreso in Crane lands, as fellow artists." He chuckled ever so softly, just an exhale. "And, fortunately, I think she likes more more than Lady Makime does." Lady Anjing seemed to like him well enough, even if she thought he was too skinny...

Hikaru shifted a little, keeping a gentle touch on Satsuki; it would be easy for her to lean against him. "It can be hard to tell sometimes. Such is the way of those who live in Doji's household." Hikaru glanced at Satsuki through his lashes. "But yes, she does. I am sure of it. With familiarity, one learns how to tell..." He sighed. "I expect she has her hands full right now, looking after Lady Doji."
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

With a chuckle, she found the opening to lean against him. Her head rested against his shoulder, further entangling the white lock of his with hers. "She likes most people, you know. I think I've only noticed a couple that she finds very vexing." Kinsen was one of them, she knew. If she were to make guesses, maybe Wu himself, for going away? Satsuki knew she'd find that vexing, but she'd never heard her mom speak of ill of him.

"Isn't it hard to have to guess? To not know what people are feeling, to be so reserved?"
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Doji Hikaru »

"Admirable." Hikaru murmured. He tilted his head to lean atop hers. They fit together rather well, Hikaru found himself thinking. "I think Lady Doji does as well, in her way... although I think she has a long list of people she finds very mildly vexing. Like a painting with a single brushstroke out of place."

He was silent for a few moments as Hikaru considered Satsuki's question. "It is hard." He finally admitted. "But... it is proper. I..." He paused again. "I am not sure how to explain. I suppose there is a proper time and place for different behaviors. We wouldn't, ah, sit like this in front of your father. Surely?" In fact, Hikaru wasn't entirely sure; Satsuki had hugged him the first time they met. Maybe that was okay in the Dragon?
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

"Ah, uuuh... that's a good question," she hadn't considered it really, at least not like that. Mostly because if they sat like this in front of either of her parents, her mother would have all sorts of questions of if they were going to be married or something, and her father... well, she suspected he might give Hikaru one of those very scrutinizing looks. The are you going to make an honorable woman out of my daughter-look, or something.

The Kami believed in the importance of rituals that marked important things in life, Satsuki knew.

"I... maybe? I mean, I don't think he'd disapprove as such, but... he'd probably expect to be told something if it happened. Like if... you know, we were a couple or something."
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Doji Hikaru »

"Oh." Hikaru blinked. "Well... I suppose I don't need to say that we shouldn't sit like this in front of my mother." Still, he couldn't get the image of Lord Togashi staring at him out of his mind. It was fairly easy to do, since he was fairly sure that Lord Togashi had given him a look like that in Doji's court.

Would he approve.

"Oh..." Hikaru said again, his voice trailing off. He paused a moment, taking a deep breath. "You know... I've wished to begin courting you openly." Unconsciously, his arm held her a little tighter. "It just always seemed like there was something else that needed to be done first. That it wasn't the right time..." Hikaru sighed. "In our art, one must wait for the perfect moment to strike. Sometimes I wonder if we miss it, and then wait too long."
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

As the embrace became just a little tighter, Satsuki inched closer too, her head pressing more against Hikaru's neck. "I didn't know they taught this in Nanzi's dojo, but maybe I shouldn't be surprised since he supposedly stormed the Heavens to obtain Lady Sun's permission to court her daughter?" she teased warmly in a soft voice. Despite everything going on around them in the world, right now the moment felt romantic to her.

"I don't think you have to ask my parents for permission though. Knowing them both, they'd tell you that it would be my choice to make."
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Doji Hikaru »

"I have heard the same." Hikaru said. He sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if such feats can still be done. Our parent's generation had many legends." He closed his eyes, rubbing his cheek against Satsuki's hair. His own white lock was now thoroughly entwined with her hair. He smiled; perhaps Satsuki could feel it, if she couldn't see it. "But no. You shouldn't be surprised."

Oh. Hikaru frowned, only for a moment. "In that case, it seems I should ask you your choice." He tilted his head back, enough to let their gazes meet. "Would you allow me to court you openly, Satsuki? With... intention?" It was a step up, to be sure. Hikaru smiled, but there was a certain seriousness in his pale eyes.
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

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She didn't see the smile, but a part of her could feel it in his tone and presence. Maybe she just knew.

"I..." Satsuki shifted in her seat to properly look at Hikaru, and this time interlocked her hands with his. "... Yes. I mean, I don't know exactly what a proper courtship entails, but yes. I would allow that. And I'd like that."

A deep breath.

"Because I like you, Hikaru. Very much."
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru's hands were pleasantly warm and dry as they interlocked with Satsuki's, his swordsman's callouses tangible. He found his breath catching as he met her green eyes, but only for a moment. Then he smiled. "I like you too, Satsuki. Very much." He let that moment stretch on, savoring it.

Then he took a breath. "Well... in truth, it doesn't entail so much different from what we've been doing. We can be a bit more open. There are more expectations on us." Hikaru's glance grew a bit concerned. "For instance, that we will one day... be wed." He cleared his throat. "When we are both ready, of course."
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

She laughed with some relief and smiled. "Right. When we're ready." For a second, Satsuki chewed her lip as she contemplated her move, then quickly leaned in for a light kiss on Hikaru's lips.

"Maybe when we get out of here, and we can tell everyone, right?"
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru wasn't quite as surprised by Satsuki's sudden displays of affection as he once was. While he briefly froze as she moved in, he was able to respond to her kiss just in time, his lips brushing against hers. He grinned at her, clearly pleased, for any number of reasons; not just that she no longer reset his brain when she hugged him.

The question reminded Hikaru of their upcoming duty. Briefly, he looked at her, his expression strange, then he smiled again. "Of course. We'll tell everyone. We may not need to ask your parents, but I'm sure they would like to know. When you do see them." Confidence laced his cultured tones, even if there was a hint of worry in his pale eyes.
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Re: [D1EE] A Little Evening Music (expecting)

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

"Of course! It would be right to tell them, and Doji too once we've saved her. Mom told me that once she had decided that she loved my dad, aunt Doji couldn't be stopped at all from coming to help with the wedding preparations. Because it had to be done properly..." her smile was a tad more bashful now as she was thinking of the stories. "... because there's power in rituals. Joining uncle Hisomu and auntie Reiko together during the rescue was part of what gave them strength to make it through. Tying two souls together."

It seemed so daunting and impressive just to talk about it. She knew that the wedding ceremony alone hadn't saved Hisomu, but that it had mattered. "So..." she chuckled a little, and had to resist the urge to tickle Hikaru's wrists as she playfully moved their hands a bit from side to side, "how do the Crane do this proper courtship then?"
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