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Togashi Satsuki
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Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Continuting the idea and work of Hisomu Reo, Satsuki focused on using wood for making more defensive positions. She was pretty sure she had read about it in uncle Akodo's book, or maybe something Makime had talked about.

Either way, having some makeshift stake defenses could be good if this place was going to come under attack.


D2 EE. Improving camp defenses. Casting Fire Kami's Blessing. +1k0 Dutiful Disciple | 7k4 ⇒ 56 (TN: 10)

D2 EE. Improving camp defenses. Craft: Carpentry (or whichever Craft skill it would be)/Intelligence. +4k0 from Fire Kami's Blessing. Void for Skill. 2 raises for tactical defense value! | 9k4 ⇒ 34 (TN: 30) <- Making Uncle Akodo proud.
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 4.0 (possibly Togashi's Heir) 🐉 Glory: 3.0
Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver, scrolls in a satchel, jade bracelet and a jade-conch, Guqin (on occassion), wide-brimmed hat with veil, travel cloak with fur.

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Akodo Kenji
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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Akodo Kenji »

Kenji wasn't much of a carpenter; he was an extra pair of hands though and adding to defenses wasn't the work for just one person. Having spotted the dragon woman getting to work on making walls and other means of defense he joined in as well.

They wouldn't get a lot done, not in a day but it might prove to be some help.

Day 2 EE Helping Build defenses around the camp. TN 20 last void of the day for a phantom skill rank. | 4k3 ⇒ 22 (TN: 20)
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
Status: 1.0 * Glory * 3.0 Honor: Exceptional

Has: Daisho, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, Sake cup, Jade Bracelet

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Togashi Satsuki
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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

"Thanks for helping out," she said, acknowledging the Lion with a nod and a smile. "If this place is going to be a battlefield in a few days, feels like the least we can do is to prepare our stand... right?"

Rest was hard to find these days, and the days probably felt long for many. With that in mind, she calmed her breath in a soft exhalation, allowing the energy of the void to flow between them.


D2 EE. Meditation/Void to activate Kiho (To The Last Breath) as a Complex Action. For Kenji | 6k3 ⇒ 30 (TN: 15) +1 Void regained for Kenji.
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 4.0 (possibly Togashi's Heir) 🐉 Glory: 3.0
Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver, scrolls in a satchel, jade bracelet and a jade-conch, Guqin (on occassion), wide-brimmed hat with veil, travel cloak with fur.

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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Anjing »

Deciding that it would be nice to organise something (and determining that doing so in the middle of a possible cursed village during a week long festival that may or may not be nefarious would be something of a waste) Anjing had made her way to the Imperial Camp.

It looked like recent events had led spurred some defensive work. She nodded at Satsuki's defensives, proud the girl was sensible enough to start with the necessities and work from there. Indeed there seemed to be many samurai doing good work fortifying the place, samurai with more experience at building defences than her (or maybe just energy, her back ached looking at all those stakes).

So she decided she would go see if she could organise the medical tent. The more attacks they suffered, the more injured would be bought in. Supplies would need to be organised and stored securely but easy to hand, not to mention working out protocol for those suffering from corruption other than 'knocking them on the head and burying them too'.

Day 2 EE. Medicine/intelligence to help organise the imperial camp’s first aid.

TN unknown | 5k4 ⇒ 22
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
Great Destiny

Status: 7.0 • Honor: Lip Service • Glory: 6.5

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Kaiu Tai
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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Kaiu Tai »

Tai'd found a spot to pause and get her thoughts in order. The sound of battle a bit in the distance had indicated that they'd likely need folks patched up soon. It wasn't her finest skill, but she'd heal who she could. They'd need everyone to fight what was coming, it seemed.

She hears people approaching, but doesn't pay much attention until the construction noises began. At this hour? Well there were fires enough to see by. Rising, she pads over to see what the fuss was. Well, with battle already here, improving defenses made some sense. "You're a carpenter too, Satsuki?" She couldn't help but approve of the sensible training it seemed the Dragon were offering their next generation.

She nods to Anjing...still in one piece so far today. That counted for something.

She examines the ground they're building on and offers at least some advice to avoid setting the next section where a good rain would weaken it. Did it actually rain here, or was everything just watered by fog dripping down? "Keep thinkin' this is almost pointless when the danger's in our dreams. But then I hear whatever's goin' on off that way and...well there's still monsters in this realm to worry about." She
begins laying the foundation bits to secure a new bit of haphazard wall.

Meditation off in PF
D2 EE, a bit of building. Phantom craft skill/Int | 4k3 ⇒ 28 (TN: 20)
Seidou turned Crab * Shugenja * Mason * Potter * Wrong Somehow
Blackened teeth and nails * Shadowed eyes * Scarred
Status: 1 * Honor: What is expected * Glory: Who?

Nobody trips on mountains, but they'll stumble on stones

Carried: spear, stone knife, jade, satchel of stuff...maybe rocks.

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Saru Shang
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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Saru Shang »

Seeing as there was some work around the Imperial camp to do and Shang had two able hands, she was going to chip in and help. She happily rolled up her robe sleeves and got to picking up some rocks to help reinforce some parts of a wall. Unfortunately, it seemed her efforts didn't quite match her enthusiasm. The stack of rocks ended up toppling over and making a small mess.

She let out a huff and shook her head. "Well! I suppose this shall just be a continued work in progress, then!"

Day 2 - Early Evening, doing some building with Craft/Intelligence: Void for phantom skill | 4k3 ⇒ 19 (TN: 20)
Dragon Clan • Courtier (Probably) • Artisan (Maybe) • A Bit Scattered • Needs Inspiration
Honour: What is Expected • Status: 2 • Glory: 3
Carries: Parchment, Charcoal, Wakizashi, Yumi & Quiver, Fan, Straw Hat, Cup, Jade, Dreamstone


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Togashi Satsuki
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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Kaiu Tai wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:41 am
She hears people approaching, but doesn't pay much attention until the construction noises began. At this hour? Well there were fires enough to see by. Rising, she pads over to see what the fuss was. Well, with battle already here, improving defenses made some sense. "You're a carpenter too, Satsuki?" She couldn't help but approve of the sensible training it seemed the Dragon were offering their next generation.

She nods to Anjing...still in one piece so far today. That counted for something.

She examines the ground they're building on and offers at least some advice to avoid setting the next section where a good rain would weaken it. Did it actually rain here, or was everything just watered by fog dripping down? "Keep thinkin' this is almost pointless when the danger's in our dreams. But then I hear whatever's goin' on off that way and...well there's still monsters in this realm to worry about." She
begins laying the foundation bits to secure a new bit of haphazard wall.
"Not as such," Satsuki commented as she wiped some sweat from her forehead. "Rather, I've seen a lot of work being done in Great Falls over the years to build it into the city it has become. Lots of people coming together to create something so big and impressive... I'd often watch the different craftsmen and note how they'd do things while my mom was helping around too." It had been a good time back then, she thought, when they'd spend the days in Great Falls and see how much everyone was willing to work to make the place into a home for so many people.

"Yeah..." the young woman frowned slightly, rubbing her hand a bit as she felt the soreness from all the blood she had given that day. "... But what is terrifying about the enemy is that it corrupts and twists anyone who dreams. Which also manifests into the waking world. I've heard the stories of how people have lost their minds and attacked friends, or family."

Seeing Anjing nearby, she gave a nod to her aunt. "I didn't know Anjing was a medic too." Looking between the two older Crab women, she did the same as she had done for Kenji. Slowing her breath and controlling the ebb and flow of the void between them.


D2 EE. Meditation/Void to activate Kiho (To The Last Breath) as a Complex Action. For Anjing | 6k3 ⇒ 24 (TN: 15) +1VP for Anjing

D2 EE. Meditation/Void to activate Kiho (To The Last Breath) as a Complex Action. For Tai | 6k3 ⇒ 26 (TN: 15) +1VP for Tai
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 4.0 (possibly Togashi's Heir) 🐉 Glory: 3.0
Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver, scrolls in a satchel, jade bracelet and a jade-conch, Guqin (on occassion), wide-brimmed hat with veil, travel cloak with fur.

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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Matsu »

EE2 - Make Something of this Place 2 - Assisting in making good tactical plans for the defenses (Perception 3/Battle 3, Matsu Sentinel 1 +6, Void +1k1, 3CR to make it really really good) | 7k4+6 ⇒ 39

Matsu was half tempted to get with the common man, and schlep about heavy materials, physically moving Earth and stone to help assist in the practical work of setting defenses.

But she was a leader, as well. Directing laborers, logistics, the Daimyo found a high position to determine how to best coordinate the layout of their burgeoning defenses. Guiding the workers with her Flute as a makeshift pointer.
Saru Shang wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:42 pm
Seeing as there was some work around the Imperial camp to do and Shang had two able hands, she was going to chip in and help. She happily rolled up her robe sleeves and got to picking up some rocks to help reinforce some parts of a wall. Unfortunately, it seemed her efforts didn't quite match her enthusiasm. The stack of rocks ended up toppling over and making a small mess.

She let out a huff and shook her head. "Well! I suppose this shall just be a continued work in progress, then!"

Day 2 - Early Evening, doing some building with Craft/Intelligence: Void for phantom skill | 4k3 ⇒ 19 (TN: 20)
Matsu would stop at seeing the work, tilting her head. Moving to approach the Dragon. "Works in progress will lead to results of dedication. All things are appreciated." She offered her a smile.
Spider Clan | Bushi | Daimyo | Great Destiny | Amazonian | Bishamon smiles | Paragon of Courage | Honor: What is Expected | Glory: 7.0 | Status: 7.0
Carries: Daisho, Shakuhachi, Sturdy Clothing, Straw Hat, Fur Cloak
Danger: Bisento, Light Armor
Demonfucker Count: 7

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Saru Shang
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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Saru Shang »

Shang looked at the woman who approached her. She looked up, and up, to regard her directly.

"Oh," she would murmur in realization at first before giving her a bow to make her seem even taller for a moment. "Thank you for the kind words, Spider-sama! I admit that construction isn't something that I'm familiar with in the slightest. Surely, a rough draft or a sketch of real progress to come! It will become something less conceptual and more solidified. I won't claim that I'm making art or anything. It seems that thinking about making something fanciful, especially with the tidings given by Shinsei, would seem rather silly. Even as a practicing artisan, I can see that!"
Dragon Clan • Courtier (Probably) • Artisan (Maybe) • A Bit Scattered • Needs Inspiration
Honour: What is Expected • Status: 2 • Glory: 3
Carries: Parchment, Charcoal, Wakizashi, Yumi & Quiver, Fan, Straw Hat, Cup, Jade, Dreamstone


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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Matsu »

Matsu would bow her head in kind, letting her Flute rest gently in her hand as she looked down at the pale Dragon. "Art, and fanciful things aren't silly. You need them the most when things are at their worst. My pa was a brute and a bear of a man, but he still cherished playing his Flute, or taking time to enjoy things," she was wistful as she spoke, kindness in her eyes.

"I am Matsu. If all we have is utility, we won't have anything worth protecting. And we should show what we are protecting by having art and fancy on the front lines, too." She beamed at her, "what's your name, Dragon-san?"
Spider Clan | Bushi | Daimyo | Great Destiny | Amazonian | Bishamon smiles | Paragon of Courage | Honor: What is Expected | Glory: 7.0 | Status: 7.0
Carries: Daisho, Shakuhachi, Sturdy Clothing, Straw Hat, Fur Cloak
Danger: Bisento, Light Armor
Demonfucker Count: 7

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Saru Shang
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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Saru Shang »

"Oh! Sorry, my apologies, Matsu-sama," she said with another bow given, to excuse her words. "It wasn't my intention to make it sound like I thought art and fanciful things were silly. I just meant at this moment when I'm trying to build a wall, it would be silly of me to try to build a sculpture or paint a mural when I'm trying to help out with the defence. Art and fanciful things will come in due time, we have to do something while we wait for the worst to come, after all. I'm not so sure if these walls would make for a good surface like parchment, however..."

"And as for me, I'm Shang of the Saru, pleased to meet you. I saw you with the flute earlier and here I thought you were going to direct with your tune. Or maybe that's only hopeful thinking on my part," she giggled. "While I'm giving amusing ideas, it might not do very well for details."
Dragon Clan • Courtier (Probably) • Artisan (Maybe) • A Bit Scattered • Needs Inspiration
Honour: What is Expected • Status: 2 • Glory: 3
Carries: Parchment, Charcoal, Wakizashi, Yumi & Quiver, Fan, Straw Hat, Cup, Jade, Dreamstone


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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Matsu »

She pondered for a moment. "Music can be louder than shots. Maybe there is a place for music on the battlefield. If you can't hear the commander, maybe the Flute or drum..." she pondered, keeping her eyes on Shang's. "That might be more than amusing, Saru-san." She grinned as the other woman giggled.

Matsu was beginning to think she should start sending more emissaries to visit the Dragon, if they all were so pleasant like Satsuki, and Shang.

Even Ranmaru was interesting, if odd.

"Keeping hopeful thinking will keep most of the villagers calm, while we work to protect them."
Spider Clan | Bushi | Daimyo | Great Destiny | Amazonian | Bishamon smiles | Paragon of Courage | Honor: What is Expected | Glory: 7.0 | Status: 7.0
Carries: Daisho, Shakuhachi, Sturdy Clothing, Straw Hat, Fur Cloak
Danger: Bisento, Light Armor
Demonfucker Count: 7

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Saru Shang
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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Saru Shang »

"Now that you've mentioned it. Yes, a drum would be most sensible as a musical instrument for a battle, something that has its roots in the tribal days not too long ago. I'm nothing a tactician in the slightest but I can't imagine the notes or cadence that could dictate how to move in battle. It might be more whimsical but I doubt the enemy would play along, at least a non-human enemy..." She said as she looked over to the other side of the drawn battle lines.

"Anyway," she said as she tried to shift the topic back on an optimistic note. "I'm sure we could think of a thing or two once all of the hard work is done. I hope they are receptive to our plan, first and foremost, especially considering that almost all of us are outsiders."
Dragon Clan • Courtier (Probably) • Artisan (Maybe) • A Bit Scattered • Needs Inspiration
Honour: What is Expected • Status: 2 • Glory: 3
Carries: Parchment, Charcoal, Wakizashi, Yumi & Quiver, Fan, Straw Hat, Cup, Jade, Dreamstone


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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Matsu »

Matsu found herself lost for words, noting the way Shang shifted the conversation. Her mind was usually on Battle, or preparing for Battle. The comment made lingering in the air, "I know I'm not strong at convincing, except maybe by being... mean about things. I'm sure there are others who are better at convincing than me." She giggled at that, thinking on the subject.

"I tend to bury myself in hard work."
Spider Clan | Bushi | Daimyo | Great Destiny | Amazonian | Bishamon smiles | Paragon of Courage | Honor: What is Expected | Glory: 7.0 | Status: 7.0
Carries: Daisho, Shakuhachi, Sturdy Clothing, Straw Hat, Fur Cloak
Danger: Bisento, Light Armor
Demonfucker Count: 7

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Saru Shang
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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Saru Shang »

"And there's nothing wrong with surrounding yourself with hard work, there's bound to be plenty of it in the next few days! I'm sure you'll have much to go around too," she said as she looked around at the work in progress.

"I'm sure that there are some of us who've managed to build a rapport with the locals to put in the role of leading them. Of course, I can give that a try. It seems that they've allowed us to do what we must here. They've been nothing but accommodating and friendly so far from what I've seen. I sort of wonder how they feel about the situation, but I could sympathize. I was wandering the lands in search of inspiration and suddenly found myself in the forefront of destiny! Not a complaint in the slightest, I'd say that I'm probably where I need to be," she chuckled. "If I can grasp anything to put in my work remains to be seen, however."
Dragon Clan • Courtier (Probably) • Artisan (Maybe) • A Bit Scattered • Needs Inspiration
Honour: What is Expected • Status: 2 • Glory: 3
Carries: Parchment, Charcoal, Wakizashi, Yumi & Quiver, Fan, Straw Hat, Cup, Jade, Dreamstone


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Akodo Kenji
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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Akodo Kenji »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:24 am
"Thanks for helping out," she said, acknowledging the Lion with a nod and a smile. "If this place is going to be a battlefield in a few days, feels like the least we can do is to prepare our stand... right?"

Rest was hard to find these days, and the days probably felt long for many. With that in mind, she calmed her breath in a soft exhalation, allowing the energy of the void to flow between them.


D2 EE. Meditation/Void to activate Kiho (To The Last Breath) as a Complex Action. For Kenji | 6k3 ⇒ 30 (TN: 15) +1 Void regained for Kenji.
"Thanks, and you have the right of that Togashi-san." Kenji replied with a nod of thanks. Falling silent as the Dragon woman moved to attend to some of the others. Whatever she had done he felt invigorated now, and it was likely the older pair needed a bit of energy too.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
Status: 1.0 * Glory * 3.0 Honor: Exceptional

Has: Daisho, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, Sake cup, Jade Bracelet

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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Matsu »

Saru Shang wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:38 pm
"And there's nothing wrong with surrounding yourself with hard work, there's bound to be plenty of it in the next few days! I'm sure you'll have much to go around too," she said as she looked around at the work in progress.

"I'm sure that there are some of us who've managed to build a rapport with the locals to put in the role of leading them. Of course, I can give that a try. It seems that they've allowed us to do what we must here. They've been nothing but accommodating and friendly so far from what I've seen. I sort of wonder how they feel about the situation, but I could sympathize. I was wandering the lands in search of inspiration and suddenly found myself in the forefront of destiny! Not a complaint in the slightest, I'd say that I'm probably where I need to be," she chuckled. "If I can grasp anything to put in my work remains to be seen, however."
"Inspiration?" She asked, finding herself drawn in deeper into the conversation. "My hard work tends to be around violence, and being ready for violence." Her lips pursed to a hard line, as if considering. "So it would definitely be better for someone like you to try with that rapport building."

Surveying their surroundings, Matsu seemed to relax. "No one person can accomplish everything. It's good to see everyone working together like this."
Spider Clan | Bushi | Daimyo | Great Destiny | Amazonian | Bishamon smiles | Paragon of Courage | Honor: What is Expected | Glory: 7.0 | Status: 7.0
Carries: Daisho, Shakuhachi, Sturdy Clothing, Straw Hat, Fur Cloak
Danger: Bisento, Light Armor
Demonfucker Count: 7

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Saru Shang
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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Saru Shang »

"Most certainly," she said with a sure nod on the matter in agreement. "From my perspective, there is much glory on the front lines of combat but the truth is that it does require a lot of brutality and internal fortitude that I don't think I could ever muster. I am thankful for the abundance of brave souls such as you, Matsu-sama."

Shang tapped on her chin pensively in thought. "Perhaps this cooperative effort will be a template for the future for centuries to come after all of this. Hmm, something to consider for later in my work. I'm not so sure if I've been really building rapport around here...the locals have been rather elusive in public, I've found at least. They've been very open with their hospitality but closed everywhere else."
Dragon Clan • Courtier (Probably) • Artisan (Maybe) • A Bit Scattered • Needs Inspiration
Honour: What is Expected • Status: 2 • Glory: 3
Carries: Parchment, Charcoal, Wakizashi, Yumi & Quiver, Fan, Straw Hat, Cup, Jade, Dreamstone


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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Matsu »

"I'm thankful that there are people like yourself who make me have something worth fighting for and protecting." Matsu spoke on instinct, then quickly looked away when the realization of how it sounded. "I meant in those who create art, and have lives of beauty." Her hands idly fumbled with the shakuhachi, then returned to a more dedicated feature.

"It's possible. After all, we all were snowed in five years ago, and now every winter, we have a court with the Emperor. Traditions come from the strangest of places."
Spider Clan | Bushi | Daimyo | Great Destiny | Amazonian | Bishamon smiles | Paragon of Courage | Honor: What is Expected | Glory: 7.0 | Status: 7.0
Carries: Daisho, Shakuhachi, Sturdy Clothing, Straw Hat, Fur Cloak
Danger: Bisento, Light Armor
Demonfucker Count: 7

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Saru Shang
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Re: Let's Make Something of the Place II [D2, EE]

Post by Saru Shang »

Shang gave Matsu a few bobs of her head. Any fumble or embarrassment Matsu suffered might have gone over her head, it wasn't entirely clear at this point. "Of course, I don't think I'm going to stand idly and wait for inspiration to hit me. And hopefully, the fates won't be coy on how that inspiration will manifest itself. I'm willing to help, as you can see from my attempted efforts. I also happen to be an able archer too."

"It is an interesting thought, is it not? Well, without the impending doom or eminent battle..." Shang gestured to the battlement in progress around them, that wasn't a good example when she was trying to be optimistic for the future. "It would be nice to see if we could get together once in a while and build something together. Maybe it can be a collective project, or a competition. With so many buildings needing to be built around the Empire, I could see this being applied to a grand structure in times of peace."
Dragon Clan • Courtier (Probably) • Artisan (Maybe) • A Bit Scattered • Needs Inspiration
Honour: What is Expected • Status: 2 • Glory: 3
Carries: Parchment, Charcoal, Wakizashi, Yumi & Quiver, Fan, Straw Hat, Cup, Jade, Dreamstone


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