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Otaku naptime

Post by Otaku »

D1 EN--Go to sleep, Meditation/Void, VP. TN25 | 6k5 ⇒ 14 (TN: 25)

D1 MN--Go to sleep, Meditation/Void, VP. TN25 | 6k5 ⇒ 34 (TN: 25)

Sleep D1 MN, LN & D2 EM.

Losing only a few hours of sleep to vague nightmares, general unease, and a looming sense of peril is really not much worse than usual, although the noise from the party probably doesn't help. Otaku eventually falls asleep around midnight.
Ki-Rin ▪ Daimyo ▪ Warrior ▪ Shinjo's Votary ▪ Short ▪ Quiet ▪ Ascetic ▪ Voice ▪ Hero of the People (Blue Lotus Village)
Glory: 6.5 ▪ Status: 7 ▪ Honor: Exceptional ▪ Description
Steed: Tsubame (pale dapple gray with dark points)
Gear: Daisho, saddlebags, sometimes riding armor and yumi.

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