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Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:43 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Anjing wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:30 pm
Anjing stomps in looking tired but allowing a nod for Naraku, Sora, Ayako, Ai and Satsuki. All that she knew.

"Okay, who wrote that note and are they here yet? This is gonna take a while if the entire camp is introducing themselves. Half of us are going to get dramatic."

The daimyo crosses her arms and looks for the culprit.
"I echo her sentiments, we may want to get started if whoever called this meeting is here?" she asked calmly.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:44 pm
by Jiyo Sora
"Hisomu-san, I believe, the opening of this should be yours, as host."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:59 pm
by Hisomu Tadaka
Goju planned on waiting a little longer, but he heard Anjing's call and stood up.

Deep breath. "I am Hisomu Goju. I admit I don't know if this is what Shinsei meant about building bonds, but I figured getting to know each other and our capabilites wouldn't hurt since we'll likely be fighting side by side regardless if we are a Thunder or not.

"Well, I have been with the Spider for about four years now. I started as a Seeker of Name learning what I can of Nezumi Name magic until I switched the focus of my studies to the sea. I wish I could say some great accomplishment to go with this, but my ambitions while great, are still in their infancy. My skill with the sword is average, though my scouting ability is rather good, having been trained by Hisomu Ninube herself. If there is anything you wish to ask me, I will answer."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 10:56 pm
by Nanzi Ai
She glanced back and forth behind her mask and then stepped forward, “Nanzi Ai, third daughter of Lord Nanzi, third daughter of Lady Doji, third in line to the Family of Nanzi; trained as Yumenosenshi; a dream warrior to fight the Corruption. Commander within the Raven Guard drawn here by Destiny to fight for those that cannot.”

She rested her hand on the hilt of her blade and said, “I am a Crane bushi, trained in the stance of my Honored Father; my blade is swift and keen. Those that were present at the festival last night also enjoyed my secondary gift of inflicting my modest musical talents upon any who would listen.”

“For the Defenders of the Realm, you have my sword.”

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:05 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
Han-Hei wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:27 pm
With three of her cousins in the room already, Kumori’s eyes searched for Nao.

You better be alright kid…
The cousin in question quietly sat down beside her, trying her best not to allow her tardiness to disturb anyone.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:07 pm
by Shiba Kumori
A smile came to Han-Hei’s lips as her cousin came to her side.

She looked at the girl with a warm expression but didn’t say anything so as not to distract from the introductions.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:42 pm
by Jiyo Sora
"Jiyo Sora. Imperial Librarian, Babysitter, and sometimes I do easy things like fighting. I've been around, seen a bit. I know a little about a lot, and the Spirit Realms are an area of some interest to me. This eye shows me the future sometimes, but usually short-term things, so I can try to avert them. I've seen too many futures change to be complacent about any of them."

He paused for a moment.

"I know a fair number of the people here. Some of you are practically family, some of you, we've had our issues. I don't care about those, not right now. Some of you are total strangers to me. Whatever."

He looked around at the assembled crowd.

"I swore to defend Shiba's children. Right now, where I'm standing, that includes all of you. As a member of the Imperial Families, I won't be a Thunder. Fine by me. I'll do what I have to do to see to it they succeed. You have any questions about the trip South twenty years back, you have any questions on how we got it together to save Hisomu, I'll tell you what I can."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:44 pm
by Ryoshun Yukara
Yukara figured it was class participation time, so she piped up.

"I am Ryoshun Yukara. Though I do not know much of clans and their ways, they have welcomed me all the same. I am a seeker of truth, and a culler of nightmare and madness."

As if feeling that wasn't quite enough, she added, "I am sometimes considered bad fortune, but I have no evidence of that fact." That would reassure them, yes?

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:53 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
As they were making the rounds, Satsuki took her turn.

"I'm Togashi Satsuki of the Dragon, my parents are the Lord and Lady of the Dragon Clan. It's a pleasure to meet you all," she bowed her head quickly. "My sensei is Togashi Nadare, who taught me how to work with the elemental kami, and... well I'm not a warrior, but I'm well-educated on many subjects, and the fire kami easily answer my call when needed. I can fight, and I can help in different ways. I'm... kind of nosey when it comes to mysteries."

She took a deep breath, as she wasn't used to speaking to crowds like this.

"I don't care if I'm a Thunder or not. What matters to me is stopping this evil and saving people. If I'm a Thunder, so be it, if not, it doesn't stop me from doing all I can."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:27 am
by Akodo Kenji
Kenji arrived on the scene, he was a bit late but he hadn't caught the note until earlier in the day so it was probably not unexpected.

Stopping at the edge of the crowd he gave a polite nod to those present as he looked over the group for any familiar faces.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:33 am
by Anjing
When it came around to her. "Thank you Goju for organising all of this. I will not hold your past against you."

Anjing steps forward with her arms crossed.

"For those of you with amnesia who might have forgotten. I am Her. Anjing of the Crab, Hida is my husband and the north is now my home."
Surveying everyone else present. "Some of you are family, some of you are friends, many of you are neither. But I will put such concerns aside until the enemy is defeated. For now past grievances remain in the past."

With a look to the other Crab present.
"I cannot say which of my people will represent the Clan. But each and every one of us has the strength to do what is needed. If the enemy can only be defeated by comradery and compassion we will love it to death. And if it needs a more traditional approach everyone one of us is a warrior. Whether they have seen 15 summers or 50 they will do their part.

Then back to the rest of those gathered.
"Every one of you loves someone who will die if we fail here. Do not fail them, remember why you fight."

With a nod she steps back.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:36 am
by Akodo Kenji
The Daimyo's speech was impressive and while he could try and drum up something equally as impressive he didn't bother. Instead merely raising a hand in a sort of greeting and saying.

"Akodo Kenji."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:39 am
by Makime
Another Lion arrived, or more specifically was on the move to another location when she spotted a large gathering. And low people started calling their names from among the crowd.

"...what exactly is going on here?" She asked of whomever happened to be closest to her.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 1:14 am
by Hisomu Tadaka
Anjing wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:33 am
When it came around to her. "Thank you Goju for organising all of this. I will not hold your past against you."
Goju is shocked at first. Does she remember me? And then realized that she probably just dislikes anything to do with the Nezumi. Fair enough. He continues listening to the others.
Makime wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:39 am
Another Lion arrived, or more specifically was on the move to another location when she spotted a large gathering. And low people started calling their names from among the crowd.

"...what exactly is going on here?" She asked of whomever happened to be closest to her.
Goju bows. "Makime-sama, it is good to see you. Since Shinsei said forming bonds would be important, I thought it would be best if we got to know each other. At the very least, we can learn what each other can do for when the battle comes."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 1:24 am
by Makime
"...I see." Makime looks at the assembled, "Lady Makime. Servant of Akodo."

With that she turns to go but stops, "From among this group there will be nine chosen. Nine heroes meant to save us all." She looks back at the crowd, "Those nine have my sympathies. And my support...for what it is worth against phantasmas and nightmares. But remember this is a great and terrible burden that is placed upon you. The lives, hopes, ambitions, and dreams of an Empire's worth of people, maybe more, are about to be pressing upon your shoulders. Do not think of glory or fame, such things make for poor foundations when the weight of duty threatens to overwhelm you. Think only of what must be done. You must win."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:16 am
by Togashi Satsuki
Makime wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 1:24 am
With that she turns to go but stops, "From among this group there will be nine chosen. Nine heroes meant to save us all." She looks back at the crowd, "Those nine have my sympathies. And my support...for what it is worth against phantasmas and nightmares. But remember this is a great and terrible burden that is placed upon you. The lives, hopes, ambitions, and dreams of an Empire's worth of people, maybe more, are about to be pressing upon your shoulders. Do not think of glory or fame, such things make for poor foundations when the weight of duty threatens to overwhelm you. Think only of what must be done. You must win."
Satsuki raised a hand, stepping forward a little. "You could also be one of the nine chosen no, Lady Makime?"

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:56 am
by Makime
"Mine is the realm of reality. If the enemy wishes to march out an army, I'll gladly match them ploy for ploy and they'll quickly have cause to rethink their plan." Makime replied with a shrug. "But that is not this fight. I don't much care for lofty things like destiny and fate, but I am savvy enough to recognize neither is pulling upon me in the here and now."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:59 am
by Otaku
Otaku is in the gathered group, quiet and looking somewhat remote. Crowds of people have never been her favorite venue, still less crowds that might expect her to take a turn speaking in front of all of them. In twos and threes and small groups she manages well enough, and of course when Shinjo is near then nothing else matters, but this is... not either of those scenarios.

Anyone who knows Otaku quite well would thus be able to see her unease at the moment, though to those who don't know the small tells she probably just seems reserved and a bit severe.

However, Anjing and Makime are good at this sort of thing, comparatively. Otaku relaxes a fraction and nods approvingly as each of them speaks.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:14 am
by Togashi Satsuki
If that was how Makime felt, well, Satsuki knew she couldn't change that.

With a smile and a nod of understanding, she stepped back to let someone else speak.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:37 am
by Kaiu Tai
Tai's been there--still as her stones--listening to those who speak and watching those as don't. As usual, Anjing speaks well enough to the human sorts and Makime's solidity and sense have her nodding.

For herself, her skill is cajoling spirits, not people.