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Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Makime »

The first stop for Makime was the home of the woman who supposedly lead the villages defenses. The Lioness was armed and armored, not particularly concerned that the villagers eyed her with worry. She wasn't here to make friends after all.

Arriving at the home of Aoyama, Makime tapped gently on the door frame...enough to be heard but not rudely. Then she stepped back and waited for the head warrior to make her appearance.
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Aoyama »

The response was not immediate, but around thirty seconds later the door opened and a tall woman, not the tallest she'd seen but damn near. The woman had a passive but tired expression on her face, dark circles under her eyes. She viewed the woman here in front of her armed and armored and her eyes narrowed

"Makime-sama I presume? It is not often I get morning visitors even fewer who come dressed for battle. Is the enemy at our gates?" Her tone was dull but not sarcastic
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Makime »

"A Lion rarely moves unarmed and after the wolves," Makime shrugged, "I lean toward prudence in my choice of attire."

She wasn't too disquieted by the height, the Lioness had meet Matsu after all. "I will be brief. I'm here about a few quick things. First you have a system to warn the town of trouble and it is good enough to get the message out quickly?"

"Second, we are going to be fortifying the village headwoman's home. At least the hill side around it. In the event of a large attack I would like your people to gather there. Those who can fight help man the barricades with our warriors, those that can't...well I would like them armed too just in case but only if the worst happens. But otherwise hidden back in the home itself. We will fall back there if the earthworks fall." She didn't feel the need to elaborate on 'the worst'.

"I assume you have supplies that can moved to the home in question to help with a battle? I doubt anything here can stand a prolonged siege but I also have reason to believe it won't come to a long siege."
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Aoyama »

She frowned but nodded "There is a horn a signal for danger. It would be easy to tell the villagers to gather at the headwoman's house if it is sounded."

"I assume you have already approved this plan with the headwoman?" She asked with a bit of scrutiny edging her tone.
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Makime »

"I am heading there next," Makime responded, "My concern here is that in the event of an attack we have a solid defense."
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Aoyama »

"A valid concern. I will implement things as soon as I get word from the headwoman." She replied.

"Was there anything else Makime-sama?" A bit of antsy nervous energy seemed to just barely touch her voice.
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Makime »

"I will have someone speak to you about training those fit for combat," Makime crossed her arms, "Even if they are not expected to fight it will help for them to be at least familiar with the basics."
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Aoyama »

"I was under the impression Wu-sama would be handling these kinds of communications. Is he no longer the liason between us?"
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Makime »

"I am commander of the defense with the consensus of the present daimyo." Makime replied, keeping her expression neutral, "If there is any need to speak on the coordination of the defenses between our camp and the village, then it should be brought to my intention either directly or through my aide-de-camp Akodo Kenji. Notifying one of the other daimyo will also ensure the information reaches me."
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Aoyama »

"In other words you do not trust Wu-sama then. Strange he be named as a liason. Is your whole camp of the same understanding?"
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Makime »

"Wu Zhe was given the position and near immediately asked you be included directly in discussions," Makime shrugged, "That does not sound like a man who wanted the job to me, I hardly need a liaison who wants me to talk directly to the people he is supposed to liaison with. One could say I merely took his advice."
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Aoyama »

"Yes he had said my perspective could be valuable. He is well suited to the task." She said flatly, possibly something between the lines there.

"Are you wanting me to join your strategy meetings then or am I to recieve the luxury of having the commander hand deliver the information you deem necesarry?"
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Makime »

"No," Makime responded, "I don't intend to drag you out to our camp to have a discussion on defenses. Your people's role is simple and it's meant to minimize risk to them. If something changes I will let you know. As for the who, Lady Matsu has offered to assist in training those willing. She would be the first point of contact. Otherwise, I have runners for that. Today was merely to establish some formal contact."
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Aoyama »

"Understood." Her lips made a line "If there is nothing else Makime-sama, I am on my way to the healer's."
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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Makime »

Makime nodded, showing a small bit of emotion, "Ah...I take it one of your own comrades. In that case my apologies for holding you up."

She stepped back and let the other woman pass.

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Re: Civil Defense (Day 4 LM)

Post by Tyrus »

Aoyama looked down at Makime seeing the bit of humanity and nodded in return "My daughter." And she would walk off that direction.

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