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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

"I can only speak about the land that I'm aware of, without having been elsewhere." Shang let out an exasperated sigh and shook her head, "I'll admit that I'm a bit out of my depths on this one. My spiritual and whimsical side comes from my words and my art. When the spiritual actually manifest themselves physically into this realm, that's something else entirely I can't begin to explain. I vastly prefer when they were an ideal and not something that's made real."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

"Your Air does serve you quite well," she say. Staring into the space over Shang's shoulder in contemplation. One second, two. "My Flame to share may not be easy to bear. However, I feel I should offer it to you all the same. Everything wishes to grow, loving things like the plants around us and we ourselves. Even bigger things wish to as well, things like your Empire and other realms themselves. Your Empire reaches out into all the lands it can reach and consumes them, dragging them into themselves. It would make sense then that these other realms are only doing the same."

"That which binds holds us all together, grants the land it's spirit but perhaps that is what is weakened most now. Maybe it is because of your Heavens influence that the balance has been shifted, the scale tipped, and now we all feel that shift of weight."

"I do not know what will happen, but I too would wish for a return to how things once were. A time when Earth, and all that which is bound, felt healthier," she says.
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

Shang crossed her arms and nodded as she paid extra attention to Yumi's words. There was certainly something about understanding these elements she was walking about. She supposed it wasn't a foreign language entirely but proverbial concepts of things that existed in front of them, just told by her lense. If Shang never thought about travelling, she wouldn't have been exposed to some people clinging to the old tribal ways...or wherever this Yumi was from.

"...I think I understand what you're getting at, Yumi-san. Nothing is so concrete that it just remains strictly in one place, much like when ink drips on a page and writes itself larger if left on its own. So this ill fortune hasn't stayed in one place but travels with continued exposure in the same way, I could see how it would share the same nature as most things in life. I am sorry that is also the case for you and where you come from," she said gently. "I suppose if that's the case, then you're presence here is perhaps more fortuitous than unlucky. We've been promised by Shinsei this will be where the final confrontation will take place."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

Upon that suggestion Yumi looks past Shang, over her shoulder into the fog as to focus her thought. Letting the words impact against a quickly raised shield, but she laughs gently, "Perhaps that is the case. If this bow can be of any aid to our realm then my part will be played. Skills are best used to serve others where they can be, and my skill has been sharpened over my life. But.." she looks to Shang, but her eyes continue and find place between them instead as she thinks. Focusing then back to Shang after that moments pause.

"Have you practiced recently Shang of the Saru? Air lifts you but I wonder how sharp it might still be," she says, leaving a slightly longer pause to allow thought. "I am a well trained bow, and if these are to be dangerous times where a final confrontation worthy of tales told by song then I would expect it best to ensure your skills are sharpened. That everyone's skills are sharpened. Yet, for now I am here and speaking with you."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

Shang blinked at the question initially, looking like she was suddenly quizzed on something. It was likely a quiz she should know the answers to. "Practiced in what, exactly? ...I admit that I've been more on the road than practicing my craft. Sure, there are a few gatherings here and there where I've gathered some villagers who are willing to pay attention and be enlightened a few settlements ago but in actual practice, no. I suppose I haven't practiced to the level that I'm satisfied with."

"Now that you've mentioned archery, that's something I dabble in from time to time. Mostly hunting small game for food. It's done wonders for my coin purse, especially with settlements that aren't too keen on taking missives to collect payment from the Clan later on." She said before giving her a look over. "I suspect not to your level or practice, however."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

"Air guides the quickness of the body much as the softness of spirit," she says, dropping into that respectful tone of a teacher. "Air serves you in how it carries your word, and I would expect your art well- I have seen that already here often with the way you speak. Yet it does not only guide these things as air too guides well the hand of those of my path. That my hand might react to my sight well enough to strike a target even at great distance," she offers, the briefest of smiles born from pride.

"Your Air may serve you best in your craft elsewhere but I am certain that if we are to face some final confrontation here together that it is the way in which Air guides me that you would be better served with. I cannot claim skill of being a teacher, except for that my father taught me and I learned well. I offer to share what it is I know, if you would wish. Suspecting that we will be stuck here I am certain we will be afforded the time for such a thing."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

Shang looked thoughtful as she regarded Yumi's words with consideration. In a sense, it wasn't entirely foreign or cryptic in the way she spoke. "I think I know what you're getting at here, Yumi-san. I suppose my words do carry in the air that we share and I'm sure I spend much of the air needing to do so as well. Your arrows too in archery use the same space, without that they just end up falling flat." At least, she understood how it would relate to her in practice than spiritually.

"If you're talking about your craft, I'd be willing to accept the learning experience if you're offering it. Thank you, Yumi-san. You speak of time but I'm sure that you'll find yourself more than busy once you arrive in town," she smirked faintly with some amusement in her eyes. "That is, if you're willing to involve yourself with other people. We're always a bit short-handed somewhere. If the battlements are any indication, a few people will be actually eager to take up your time somewhere."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

"I am not so eager to be used as a pair of simple hands in the doings of others," she says, but sighs. "There is of course willingness I have here in these trying times that I might not otherwise have had. Though, if I can help to refine the skills of others who follow my path then I am most certain that the service I offer will be that of best use."

"For now, I would guess I should leave you to your goal here and I will seek my further answers within the village. Unless you have some further news of me, Shang of the Saru?"
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

"Of course, you're of no obligation to put yourself in where you don't need to be," Shang would mention diplomatically. At the end of the day, Yumi seemed like an outsider to the Kami Empire and they had no dominion over her. That said, she felt that meeting others in the village would likely shape Yumi's opinions more than just herself. "I hope you find more insight into what you're looking for, as well as what's happening around here. I am but one perspective, at the end of the day.

"As for me, I suppose I shall contemplate on the foggy farmlands. It was a pleasure having this conversation with you," she offered Yumi a bow.
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

Yumi nods, "Thank you for your Flame, your Air, and your grace Shang of the Saru. This pleasure was all mine. May we meet under a similarly pleasant circumstance again," she offers with the slightest tough of a smile as she dips her head. Without further fanfare Yumi would depart toward the direction of the village just as Shang had previously indicated.

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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

Shang would watch Yumi depart toward the village until her figure faded out with the dense fog in the area. After a beat, she dusted off her robes and found her seat once more, crossing her legs. She perched her chin on her palm and looked in the direction of where Yumi came from initially, almost wondering if she could see past the fog and imagine the remote lands themselves.

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