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Akodo Kenji
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So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

Word around the camp was there were a few people that one could consult about spiritual matters, and Kenji was pretty sure that needle fingered creatures counted as those. He'd heard one of them Ryoshun Nao was around camp at this hour. So, we moved through the area looking for her, they hadn't talked before, but he was pretty sure he had seen her at the camp meeting.

So hopefully he'd be able to find her without too much trouble.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

She was quite easy to find. Young with a pig following her around. At the moment, she was finishing lunch beneath a shelter from the rain.
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

His straw traveling cloak had kept the worst of the rain off of Kenji as he had gone looking for the young woman. Still, it was a bit of a relief to duck under the rain shelter alongside the young lady. "Ryoshun Nao?" He asked as he dipped his head in a polite nod of greeting before shedding his cloak so he could set it aside to start to drip dry.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"Hai." she nodded. "How can I help you Akodo-san?"
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

"Ah, I just had some questions if you had a few moments." He paused taking a few moments to straighten his kimono. "I was awoken last night from my sleep by some strange creature with needles for fingers, and I wondered if you might have some insight to what it might be."
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"I've heard there were some odd things last night. Could you tell me more?"
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

"I only saw it for a moment, but I believe it had two legs, it's features were twisted and inhuman and instead of fingers it had long needles."

"When i saw it, it gasped and disappeared as if startled, so I assumed it was some sort of spirit as it left no sign of its presence behind."
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"That doesn't sound familiar, but let me think."

She pulled a few scrolls from her pack. Their were notes scribbled all over them.

- - -
So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon), Lore: Spirit Realms/Intelligence, VP for +1k1 | 7k4 ⇒ 23
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
Honor 4.5 | Status 4 | Glory 3

Carries: Wakizashi, Yari, Knife, Lantern
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

Kenji nodded. If they were something from yume-jigoku they might not be listed, but you never knew with these things.
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Canary »

Ryoshun Nao wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 5:20 am
"That doesn't sound familiar, but let me think."

She pulled a few scrolls from her pack. Their were notes scribbled all over them.

- - -
So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon), Lore: Spirit Realms/Intelligence, VP for +1k1 | 7k4 ⇒ 23
It's hard to say just from that. It could be a human so heavily corrupted that they're functionally a creature of YJ, or a nightmare native to that realm.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"I'm sorry, Akodo-san. It isn't something I have any notes on." she shook her head. "It definitely could be related to Yume-Jigoku. But, I couldn't say whether it was a spirit or a corrupted human."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

"Mmmm." He nodded to himself for a few moments. "Still its good to know it may be related to Yume-jigoku. So I'll have to try and take precautions."

"Are there any you could suggest?"
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"I believe we are trying to ward as much of the camp as we can." she responded. "That should help a bit. But, we'll still need to keep watch and be careful."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

"I'll see if I can relocate my tent to the inside of one of the wards then." Kenji replied with a slight smile, knowing such things were being put into place was good news, at least in his mind. As for watch, he already did some of that.

"There was something else I was wondering about though, if you have the time."
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"Of course." she nodded. "I'm happy to help, if I can."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

He nodded then pulled a small flask from a bag on the side of his armor. "I received this from the villagers some two days ago, after a portion of the ritual was completed." He said as he passed the flask in Nao's direction.

"I hadn't drunk any of it yet, as I didn't quite trust it. So, I was wondering if you could look into it in your spare time? See if there was something strange about it. It could be that it's fine and something safe to drink, but I saw a few others receive one, and better safe than sorry."
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
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Has: Daisho, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, Sake cup, Jade Bracelet

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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"We're you told what it was?" she asked.
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

"It's supposed to guarantee a good night of sleep." He said in return. "Though I don't know what's in it or who made it. Though I imagine it would be Enrou."
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"Ah, I tried one of his teas last night." She sniffed the bottle. "I'm not sure it had the effect we were looking for, but I did sleep well."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

"What kind of effect did it have then?" He asked as he watched the young woman sniff at the liquid. "I got the impression he partook in some of the substances he makes himself when I met him. So, I was wary that it might contain some sort of narcotic."

Or something worse, not that he needed to say that.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
Status: 1.0 * Glory * 3.0 Honor: Exceptional

Has: Daisho, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, Sake cup, Jade Bracelet

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