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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Saru Shang »

Otaku wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 6:42 pm
Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:59 pm
"The implications were rather concerning enough to at least question, I'd say but probably best left to the simplest answers without overthinking too much. Such a world to be fighting rather than asking questions. That said, it wasn't too long ago when the previous generations, we did answer with bravado, instead of diplomacy. Not that there wasn't the latter but I've always suspected that someone like myself could travel so easily on the road. In a sense, it was better to fight the unknown than reason with it. I suspect we're going to need to cross that bridge, soon enough."
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

Saru Shang wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:26 pm
"Hummingbird! You're Hummingbird. Only they can speak that fast."
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Canary »

Ryoshun Yukara wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:10 am
Yoshitsune Ayako wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:56 pm
Shizuku nodded. "It's still painful... The bones will take some time to heal even after this."
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Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Otaku »

Saru Shang wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:26 pm
Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:51 pm
"Hummingbird! You're Hummingbird. Only they can speak that fast."
Otaku laughs quietly at that. "You have many opinions about animals, Kai-san. Saru-san could do worse than hummmingbirds, I guess. They are lovely, and brave." She considers a moment. "Must all of one kind of animal act the same way, though? Couldn't they be as diverse as humans? I've never met two horses with the same personality, that's sure."
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Saru Shang »

Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:51 pm
"Hummingbird! You're Hummingbird. Only they can speak that fast."
Otaku wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:26 pm
Otaku laughs quietly at that. "You have many opinions about animals, Kai-san. Saru-san could do worse than hummmingbirds, I guess. They are lovely, and brave." She considers a moment. "Must all of one kind of animal act the same way, though? Couldn't they be as diverse as humans? I've never met two horses with the same personality, that's sure."
Shang gave a few quick blinks at Kai, looking a touch amused. "...That's another new one but I won't say that you're wrong in the matter. I suppose I do talk a lot and I do spout a lot of things in rapid succession. It's a bit necessary in my livelihood, considering I can't exactly risk giving pause enough that someone might consider being bored with my performances. If Hummingbird is like a hummingbird, I'm also an appreciator of nectar too."

She glanced down at her empty cup once again, a bit irked that it didn't manage to magically refill itself during their conversation.

"...Were we talking bout animals, though?" she asked as she looked up once more, looking at both Otaku and Kai with a bemused air about her. "Here I was under the impression that Kai-san was naming her many friends with certain personalities, all of them seem to have their names based on animals. A nickname, perhaps? Or maybe just some who stuck on the past tribal ways a little longer?"
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

Saru Shang wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:41 am
Otaku wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:26 pm
"Hummingbird is a hummingbird. And Hummingbird's also all hummingbirds. But Hummingbird is also their own person. And each hummingbird's also its own hummingbird.

Hummingbird is like the pure concept of a hummingbird. But who has evolved so much from centuries of tales and stories and dreams it has acquired a personality of its own.

It's not so different from when you call your children first child, second child, and so on. A name that's just descriptive at first, and pretty generic, one of many first children. And then, they slowly grow into their own person, until first child means more than first child.

Except in that case Hummingbird wasn't born from two hummingbird parents, but from the substance of dreams itself. In a way, they are the children of all old dreams about hummingbirds.

And Hummingbird indeed loves their drink. And pretty dresses. Also, has a furious desire to help, even for tasks they are too small for."
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

Canary wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:05 pm
Shizuku nodded. "It's still painful... The bones will take some time to heal even after this."
"Ahhh, I'm sorry," Ayako said contritely. "Should I get you more of Enrou's tea? It seemed like it was helping before."
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Saru Shang »

Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 8:14 am
Shang gave Kai a few exaggerated blinks as she favoured the post she was leaning on already. There seemed to be a bit of a journey she took in her mind while deciphering what Kai was going on about. As a Dragon and an artisan, she typically revelled in the use of metaphors but she was at a loss to understand all of these metaphors. Perhaps they weren't metaphors but literal. Wouldn't that be something?

...Kami, these tribal holdouts are difficult to understand sometimes...

"Then yes, you can consider me like Hummingbird then," she conceded to that point. "I don't know what I'm really doing to help around here but I did try to help with the fortifications yesterday. Keyword was probably try...Hopefully, what I helped with will be useful for something, right?"
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Canary »

Ryoshun Yukara wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:10 am
Yoshitsune Ayako wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 2:44 pm
"Ahhh, I'm sorry," Ayako said contritely. "Should I get you more of Enrou's tea? It seemed like it was helping before."
She waved her hands, smiling. "No no, I'm okay. You've already done so much for me, Yoshitsune-sama. I'm already really grateful to both of you."

She looked to Yukara. "I heard about the wolves. It sounds like you were one of the ones who fought them. Thank you, too."
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

Saru Shang wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 3:01 pm
"Hummingbird thinks that, when they are helping, even if they don't contribute anything because they are so small, the fact they are still relentlessly trying sets an example for the bigger animals.

Can't say their philosophy ever convinced me. They are a lot of small creatures who are crafty enough to help despite or sometimes thanks to being small. Spider, Rat, and, of course, Oxpecker."
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Otaku »

Saru Shang wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 3:01 pm
Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 6:04 pm
Otaku laughs. "Don't sell the little hummingbird short. I saw one drive off a young magpie once. I was nearly intimidated. Bravery goes far, even if you are small."

She considers Kai, and then Shang. "Do you see everyone in this town as different animals, then? What story does this all make?"
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Saru Shang »

Otaku wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:21 am
Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 6:04 pm
Shang frowned in thought as she narrowed her eyes in scrutiny, taking a quick look at the other people in the conversation when height came into the equation. She was a bit mollified when she realized she wasn't the shortest person in the conversation and she would most likely be spared from a height joke...if this was the topic of conversation.

She waved a finger as if she was doing a stroke of a brush. "Yes! Hummingbirds can be rather diligent and bold. I'd imagine that anyone constantly flapping their wings will do anything to stay in flight regardless of the circumstances. While I haven't met your friend, I suppose we could follow in their example, at least in some aspects."

"...It would be all too easy to just point at the Clan totems and claim there were that animal Honestly though, I don't see myself as a metaphorical dragon. Such things are majestic, awe-inspiring and powerful." She paused for a moment before waving her hand off. "No...that'll be wishful thinking on my part!"
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

Otaku wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:21 am
Saru Shang wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 4:39 am
"Oh, you definitively can be Dragon. Just need to be the right kind of Dragon, the Dragon who's also Hummingbird, and also human.

For example, Kai is Tiger. But not the kind of Tiger that walks on all four. Or the kind that roars, in spite in some ill attempts in that regard. However, I am still Tiger in that I'm channeling Tiger's strength, and will, and dutifulness. The essence of Tiger rather than just a superficial imitation of Tiger.

Likewise, for you to be the kind of dragon who's breathing fire and striking fear in their enemies' heart might be a non-way. However, to be Dragon who's also Hummingbird, who's also human, to move on two legs with majesty and grace, draped in pretty colors, that I can easily see.

And I think that's also answer to your question warrior of the flaming horse? People are people. The lady here is not actually Hummingbird. But there is understanding, and strength, to be found in recognizing patterns of stories. As long as we don't become prisoners of these patterns. Being deadly as a scorpion might be a useful skill. Eating your offspring as the scorpion, it's a big no-no."
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Saru Shang »

Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 6:53 am
Shang couldn't help but give another big blink at Kai, at first, feeling like she really spent the whole day trying to translate metaphors. At this point, she wasn't so sure if this was some tribal holdover or maybe it was just a very peculiar point of view. Herself was said to have a peculiar point of view, so she thought she should sympathize by some vague association.

She nodded soundly at that once she was able to gather her thoughts. "There is always a valid point of never overdoing something, lest you find yourself lost and forgetting who you truly are in the first place. We have our own patterns and I'm sure we can take on patterns of many animals, their admirable traits at least. When the patterns line up to be constantly the same, you risk just being completely flat with no details of import in the first place. We should be many things! But not too much of one thing, that's too much..."

Taking another to give the room a quick scan, she raised a hand up and snapped her fingers, as if a brilliant idea dawned on her. Why wait for her cup to be refilled when she could get it herself? "I feel I need another drink! I'll take a look inside, do either of you need another refresher?"
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

Saru Shang wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 4:50 pm
"I still don't drink. Have your fun and your fill though. I feel like there is no force in the world that could keep you away from a new cup. To reuse an animal story that's still quite popular in this day and age: That Hummingbird can no more keep herself away from nectar than the Scorpion can keep themselves from stinging.

Though, really, anyone thinking a scorpion can swim has never seen a scorpion in their life. Most rocks have more buoyancy than the average scorpion. The new tale would have made far more sense with a spider, as spiders can sometimes walk upon water."
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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Saru Shang »

Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 7:20 am
"Hey! I was only offering a suggestion and taking the initiative to act on it," she said with a faint frown when Kai said that nothing could keep her away from another cup. If the host was offering, even suspiciously being overly generous, Shang didn't see enough reasons to say no. "And Scorpions have obvious and large stingers, so they make for better tales when that element is in front of the reader. That said, I suppose it's harder to know when you're stung by a Spider, so maybe it's a better animal to use in this situation..."

"Regardless! I shall find myself something to put in my cup! It was a pleasure, not that I won't be back...but a pleasure nevertheless!" She said before she dipped forward in a slightly tipsy bow before mustering the poise to make her way back inside to fetch herself more wine.

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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Porch [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

Saru Shang wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 2:32 pm
As she refilled her own plate with some pretty generous portions (plural) of meat:

"Likewise Dragon lady!"


Thanks for thread :sake: :dragon:
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