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Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Makime »

Makime walked the streets of the town. She doubted there would be any clue to why so many had begun to gather...but it never hurt to check.

Thus far the town had seemed the same as any other. Just another sleepy village.

The Lioness paused at small crossroad, pausing to contemplate the trip and what rumors she had heard...and of course which way to turn.
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Ryoshun Huan »

Approaching from behind, but not actually intending to follow, Huan paused as he came alongside the Makime daimyo. His footsteps were audible so as to not sneak up on anyone. He didn't actually know who she was by sight, but he could kind of tell she was important by the way she carried herself. He paused next to her at a respectful distance and, in an effort to suss out information about who he's speaking with he says, "Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to know which direction the graveyard is in, would you?" That should tell him if she's local or familiar with the area, plus potentially help him find the graveyard, which he wanted to visit later. His accent was only slightly tribal, but he speaks quite formally even with that hint of an early upbringing outside Rokugani culture proper.
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Makime »

Brown eyes turned to regard the new arrival. After a moment Makime pointed in a direction, "That direction." Her attention shifted back to her own dilemma, seemingly taking no further interest in the young man.

Huan might have thought he had been dismissed when suddenly Makime spoke again. "I am not aware of many who would visit a graveyard at night. Especially given the fog." Her attention was back on him.
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Ryoshun Huan »

"That is the best time to visit when your intent is to help the restless dead find their rest. The barrier between realms is weaker at night in the graveyard, which gives the opportunity to speak more easily with and learn what they need to move on," he explains. "I am Ryoshun Huan, a spirit guide among the Bat, so it is a duty that I have to the dead to help guide them to Ryoshun's side."

"I appreciate the directions and assistance. Is there anything I might do to return the favor? I was definitely planning on going in the completely wrong direction and you've likely saved me a bit of time searching."
Bat * Soul of Taochusu * Ishiken * Destined to Die * Haunted by the Chusu Tribe
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Makime »

"A Bat? Ah...of course. Your dedication to duty is... admirable." Makime nodded. "Have come to fetch your Lord's errant daughter? I spoke with her earlier. Ryoshun Nao. Probably can find her in the camp."

She causally readjusted her cloak before speaking again. "Makime. Servant of Lord Akodo. Lady of the Makime."
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Ryoshun Huan »

The reveal of her name and position surprises him, but not too much. Shinsei is here so it stands to reason other important people would be too. "Ah, one of the authors of Leadership. It is an honor to meet you Lady Makime. I can't say I grasped and understood the lessons very well, but it is my goal to read it more thoroughly once I return to the capital," he says with a slight smile of appreciation. "In particular the chapters and passages dealing with logistics drew my interest and attention, but I unfortunately lack any real talent for such things so it will take many readings and applied study to actually grasp. But I did take lessons on duty and discipline to heart."

"As for Ryoshun Nao, I actually had not been aware she is here. It's not my place to tell a daughter of the kami how to live her life, but it is good to know that she is here so I can offer my support if she requests it. I am actually here on Shinsei-sensei's personal request. Not that he actually gave me any details about why, but my instructors insisted I answer the call."

He seems to have gone into a conversational mode where he has opened up to answering what is asked of him. He likely isn't about to follow orders or do everything asked, but he clearly has a profound respect for the position and is willing to accommodate.
Bat * Soul of Taochusu * Ishiken * Destined to Die * Haunted by the Chusu Tribe
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Makime »

"Correct, my own contributions are more dense in the material means of the subject. I would advise learning Lord Akodo's ways first. Mine tells how one may fight a large conflict, his answers the far more important questions of why and what being a warrior even means. It sounds as if you are already well on your way there." Makime's reply cam surprisingly muted. Without a hint of pride or humility, merely a statement of information and advice.

"I see, I had assumed someone would have sent to retrieve Nao. She admitted to being here without approval from her parents." The Lioness frowns when he mentions Shinsei, "Ah answering the Stormcrow's summons. And he didn't bother to explain why. I am truly surprised." She didn't sound surprised...her expression didn't much help give that impression either.

She adjusts her hat, "So then might I ask why you think the monk wished for your presence."
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Ryoshun Huan »

"I know exactly why he wanted my presence personally. Though I don't know the purpose behind the gathering. My presence was requested because I am the reincarnated soul of the tribesman known as Taochusu, as confirmed by the kami Ryoshun and the Order of Heroes. Which means I'm probably here to die so that others may live... if destiny has it's way," he replies. "Not that I'm going to give in to that rather morbid fate, but it's not unlikely."

He seems eerily calm about that, but at the same time you can't face your probable demise without a little bit of an emotional storm being visible in your eyes. And it is there in Huan's.
Bat * Soul of Taochusu * Ishiken * Destined to Die * Haunted by the Chusu Tribe
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Makime »

Makime listens to his response in silence then waves a hand dismissively, "You will have to forgive me on matters spiritual. I pray to the Fortunes and honor the spirits of my ancestors and the land around me...but give very little concern to such things as destiny or reincarnation."

She glances down the road running to her right, "You may share a soul with a warrior of the past but you are your own person and should live as such without the concern of this supposed destiny. Still..." The Lioness looks back to the Bat, "There are few better ways then to die for the life of another, for what my words are worth on the matter."
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Ryoshun Huan »

"Understandable, given your responsibilities, that certain aspects of spiritual matters don't receive personal focus. I imagine that there are a lot of concerns regarding more practical and administrative concerns that demand your attention given your responsibility to so many people. That is why leaders have specialist advisors to support them after all," he says with a nod.

"And sharing a soul with a warrior of the past may not mean I am that warrior, but it does mean that there are certain additional expectations placed on me. Usually that type of expectation is reserved for children of accomplished folks. It feels strange to have that because of a person that died before I was born and who was not a relative. Though accomplishment likely comes with added expectations as well. I have no doubt that the Kami Akodo has both great respect and expectations for you."

He then looks at his own hands, "But that really doesn't compare to the expectations we place on ourselves when we seek to be the best at what we do, does it? The additional expectations add to it, but it's almost like a drop in a full bucket."
Bat * Soul of Taochusu * Ishiken * Destined to Die * Haunted by the Chusu Tribe
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Makime »

"Lord Akodo's expectations for me were from my demonstrated abilities." Makime replied, "Not for the things my past life may have done. And even then, knowing I had already proven myself, those expectations weigh heavy. I mean merely do not let the weight of some past life rob you of the now. As you observe there is plenty weight, no need to add more."

She crosses her arms, "Well then what do you seek to be the best at? The sword?"
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Ryoshun Huan »

"I strive to improve my skill with the magic of the Void. To find a deeper understanding of the essence of reality than anyone else," he explains.

"Though the katana has a unique relationship with the Void, so I do train to excel with the sword. I have a ways to go, especially since I haven't studied the dueling art yet."
Bat * Soul of Taochusu * Ishiken * Destined to Die * Haunted by the Chusu Tribe
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Makime »

"Other topic of which I know little, the Void." Makime rested a hand on her sword and continued, "I am more familiar with the sword. But even then I am no master of the weapon."

"The Dueling Arts? Ah you mean the skill at drawing into a cut that has so fascinated the Crane."
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Ryoshun Huan »

"It may be a fascination of the Crane, but it is also a focus of Kakita's family in the bat. In particular, they are trained to lean on the purity of their spirit to cut down the corrupt and impure without mercy in one on one combat. This creates a connection between the soul and the blade that I wish to explore. But I've trained in more practical sword technique because dueling seems more niche and potentially useless when dealing with ambushes and enemies that simply do not care about formality," he replies.

"So I really take more of my lessons from Leadership in that regard I suppose. I've learned more than just the blade because there's more to battle than your weapon. Movement outside of footwork is not often addressed in training with the blade, but I've learned to use my magic to leap great distances and walk on the surface of water to gain tactical options and potential advantages. Limiting one's self to the battlefield chosen by the enemy creates a very short path to a pointless death, no?"
Bat * Soul of Taochusu * Ishiken * Destined to Die * Haunted by the Chusu Tribe
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Makime »

"One on one combat," Makime mused, "Useful of course but my own teachings are taught it's limits. Better to train to work alongside others. Properly trained to act together, a group of warriors are a greater force then a similar number of individuals. Or so I have found."

"An interesting talent...and yes it is often best to be the one who chooses the ground, but one can overcome that disadvantage."
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Ryoshun Huan »

"One on one combat probably tends to be a far more practical skillset for people that are looking to enforce the law and protect a community against individual criminal elements I imagine. It has it's practical place, but it can't imagine it protecting a region. For someone like me it's more beneficial when I have to deal with individual spiritual threats that are driven by violence. For someone like you, it's probably more of an afterthought as you lead units into battle against opposing forces. The rise of banditry in the empire in recent years is probably seeing the testing and refinement of small unit tactics I imagine? I don't have any experience with that."
Bat * Soul of Taochusu * Ishiken * Destined to Die * Haunted by the Chusu Tribe
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Makime »

"The most immediate uses are small bands of warriors fighting each other, but my thoughts turn to much larger. The sort where armies clash." Makime answered, "Which I would have called unlikely even but 10 years ago, as only clans would be capable of mustering large enough numbers. And whatever tensions exist are easily smoothed over by bonds of blood between the Children of the Heavens."

She frowns, "But the last few years have made it more possible. Our current foe seems more intent on dreams and dissent but there exists the possibility of it bring forth an army. And of course what exists beyond the borders of the Empire could hold many an unknown danger."

"I would not worry about an inexperience on your part." Makime waves a hand as if to disperse smoke, "Few outside of myself, Lord Akodo, and our closest followers have given it much thought. Perhaps the Crab given their task, but they have other more pressing issues given their current lands. Lord Hantei might as well nurture a cadre of warriors with skill at large scale battle. Regardless it is a rare skill. There exists the distinct possibility that you are speaking to the most skilled mortal in such matters." Strangely there is no pride in her voice, the Lioness spoke as if simply stating a truth.
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Re: Surveys, Plans, and Muddy Streets [Day 0, Open, EE]

Post by Ryoshun Huan »

"It's an unpleasant potential that we do need to be prepared for, but I certainly hope will be unnecessary. But I do hope that it never comes to utilizing such large scale forces over political disagreements, particularly if they are personal to leaders. Mobilizing such large groups of people should only really be done in defense of life against truly evil creatures that seek to end it," Ryoshun replies.
Bat * Soul of Taochusu * Ishiken * Destined to Die * Haunted by the Chusu Tribe
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