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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Post by Wu Zhe »

Being a trained warrior, Zhe needed to be vigilant. It is why, when their eyes met, he looked away towards a suspicious corner of the room.

False alarm, nothing to worry about there.

He cleared his throat

''A wise and compassionate attitude. Although something strikes my say people are drawn here?''
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

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She cleared her throat as he looked away, and nodded when he turned back. "They've come here from all over. I don't really know what draws them. I suspect this might be a sacred area, but it's hard to say."
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

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Wu focused his mind on the phenomenon described. He knew people had left their homes, willingly or not, when the Kami arrived but since Lady Doji proposed to focus on trade rather then aggression the exiles were reduced to almost nothing beyond true bandits and other criminals.

''Do they ever speak of what draws them their own words?''
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

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She took a long breath, thinking deeply. "Sometimes they're wanderers who end up here. They lost their home for whatever reason. Others went looking for something they can't put a name on. Others were seeking a quiet place after some problem in their lives. It runs the gamut."

She looks toward the shoji doors. "I was seeking out knowledge when I came here... seeking some place to meditate on the problems that were just starting then."
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Post by Wu Zhe »

So did that mean she arrived here about five years ago? He could not make it in his mind that this village was only that old.

''So...forgive me for long have you been here? What did you find when you arrived?''
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

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"About five years ago," she said, the gestured to the building. "That's why everything looks mostly clean and new around. I was following rumors of an old tribe that used to live here. Supposedly they have a lot of members who had visions of the future. There was mostly clearly land that was starting to overgrow and ruins when I arrived. And fog."
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

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''Five years ago'' the dragon frowned, unsure what to think of it. ''That would explain why this village was unknown by it's neighbors.''

Zhe scratched his chin

''Can you tell me of the tribe that once live here? Is it their ritual you wish to perform?''
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

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"Indeed it does," she agrees, then makes a wobbly motion with her hand. "I don't know a lot about them. They were called the Kisaki. The ruins didn't look terribly old, so they may have joined the Kami, or went north when other tribes did. This is... sort of one of their rituals. We've adapted it with some of the new knowledge gained since the Kami arrived."
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

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''The Kisaki?'' he mauled the name over, wondering if he'd ever heard the name before ''I do know the imperial librarian arrived in the village today. Mayhaps he might have heard of this tribe?''

Sora might have such knowledge...he's been following the Emperor and fulfilling his duty for decades now

''There are also many wise monks and other followers of Shinsei present. I am sure they would be willing to help and give advice''
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

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She clapped her hands together and turned the full brilliance of her smile on Wu. "That's wonderful! I hope they know more. It can only improve what we can do."
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Post by Wu Zhe »

Zhe's eyes decided to go rogue and stare for the half a second it took the mind to regain control and kick the voice into gear

''I will share that hope..hum...I suspect many will gather in your village for the festival. Is there anything we should prepare ourselves for?''
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

"Hmm... Well, guests are generally expected to join in the big festivities. Those who don't will get a lot of questions," she said. "Other than that... Nothing specific that I can think of. Oh... Our healer can be a little bit grumpy. Like most people here, he's had a rough time."
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Post by Wu Zhe »

''I am sure many people will enjoy joining the event.'' he replied confidently ''I surely will do so.''

''Anything else we should know about the village and the surrounding areas?''
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

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"Ah, there is one thing. If you need water, please use the wells around town rather than the river," she explains. "It seems to be influenced by whatever about the region allows the festival's ritual to work. We use its water in one of the last parts of the festival, but that's it."
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Post by Wu Zhe »

Thar surprised him a bit but after checking his recent memory he confirmed the he did not drink the river's water.

''That is something I'll have to make sure everyone knows. Does that extend to the river's fish as well? I suspect many will try to cast a line''
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

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"We haven't had many issues with the fish, so they're safe as far as I know," she replied.

"By the way, Wu-sama, ah... where will you- and your people be staying during the festival. " She found a very interesting painting to look at in the alcove.
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Post by Wu Zhe »

Yes, fish. He was glad for the fish.

''I saw a camp nearby with the mons of the clans raised. So, unless other arrangements are made, I will go set my tent there once I leave your company.''
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

"It can be cold out here," she said, now studying her nails. "I'm sure anyone in the village would be willing to offer a guest a space in a warm home..." "
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

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''I am used to nights in the mountain'' he replied, looking at the rafters in case there was spiders ''But I admit that living in the village for the week would likely help relations between us...erm...visitors and...'' he coughed politely, clearing the dust in his throat ''...the residents.''

The fire was now of particular interest

''If the offer is made I am sure some would gladly accept hospitality.''
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Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

"Well... You'd be welcome to stay here, if you wished. I have too much room for just one person, anyway," she offered, also studying the fire. It's actually surprisingly interesting. The flames move oddly, maybe? Or is it just your imagination?
Heimin | Village Headwoman | Tattooed | Friendly

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