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Saru Shang
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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Saru Shang »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:56 pm
"Painting and drawing must be a challenging medium for sure in that regard, compared to music or dance, I guess? A lot easier for folks to say they like that melody or rhythm, compared to trying to understand something abstract or different..." Satsuki mused over the idea of how to overcome that obstacle with an audience. Her younger brother would've had more ideas than her, being more of a showman than her.

She was going to comment on her knowledge of the legend when Shinsei finally spoke up, and she smiled to Shang before turning her attention to the man of the hour.
"Challenging, well, I would never say that one medium is more challenging than another, that in itself seems like an invitation to be proven wrong! In my training, I've admittedly dabbled in many art forms. They had to, considering everything is still being distilled from the traditional and the new teachings. While dancing and singing haven't quite stuck to me as painting and inspirational speaking, I'd still consider those mediums as admirable ventures. I perhaps admire that music and dance can often be appreciated at their face value while my art is a bit left to the beholder. If truly successful, I could evoke those intended emotions in others. However, too many, they might just see only a bunch of scribbles on tanned parchment." She sighed a bit dramatically in that regard with a shrug of her shoulders.

When Shinsei spoke and addressed the gathered crowd, Shang would tap her chin with her fan pensively as she took in what was revealed, as well as things to come. As much as she would say that she had a pioneering spirit and a need to adventure, she wouldn't consider her a heroine in the slightest. Well, perhaps she could dream about being in such a role but that would be just that, a fantasy. Push came to shove, she would probably look for a way out of here. "...It seems that Shinsei's reputation is proven once again. Dire times ahead for us all..."
Dragon Clan • Courtier (Probably) • Artisan (Maybe) • A Bit Scattered • Needs Inspiration
Honour: What is Expected • Status: 2 • Glory: 3
Carries: Parchment, Charcoal, Wakizashi, Yumi & Quiver, Fan, Straw Hat, Cup, Jade, Dreamstone


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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Shinsei »

Reiko Ohta wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:41 pm
Having been thinking for a moment, Ohta decided to make her way over. She spoke softly, hands folded together in front of her, "You offer to help us, but you seem uneased and ill. Are you sure there is nothing I or my colleagues can do for YOU, Teacher? Some herbs, some tea? Perhaps something as simple as a brief chance to rest?"
Makime Omoi wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:42 pm
"How are you feeling today great prophet, you sound unwell." Omoi asked looking up at the man. "I and I am sure others have many questions but I do not want to impede your rest."
He smiles at the both of them warmly. "Your kindness does you credit. That it survived everything going on does you more. Hold onto that." He sighed. "As for that... I simply have my own battles to fight, and my own role in this to act out. It is wearing a bit, but I promise I will rest when I've done everything I can here. It's only a few more days."
Monk | Ascetic | Enlightened

Honor: 8.0, Status: 1.0, Glory: 5.0

Run by GM Bakuriel

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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Otomo Akutou »

Auspicious start, this, Akutou thinks.

He waits, watching, to see how matters will fall out.
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
Status 1.0, Glory 4.0, Honor as Expected
Crafty * Destined * Heroic * Silent * Wary * Cursed * Disdained * Driven * Phobic
Commonly with jade finger, daisho, standard clothes, pack; hat and cloak as weather appropriate
In peril, jade finger, daisho, yumi, quiver, arrows, ashigaru armor, rations, cash (the pack will wait)
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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Nozomi »

Jiyo Sora wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:17 pm
"Nine Clans, well, that's me out then."

Sora grinned.

"So what the hell am I doing here?"
She sighed as she listened to Shinsei and then glanced at Sora. "There will always be work for us to do. Destiny takes many forms," she could admit. "Yes, we are here to make sure that they succeed, are we not?"

She nodded to Shinsei as she said it. It was good to know that they were on the same page in this one at least. '...what would have happened if I'd joined the Scorpion long ago?' Who could say that path untaken...
Monk * Ascetic * Experienced 2 Phi * Mom * Disciple of Shinsei * Disturbing Countenance (Albino) * Destined * Shinsei's Receptionist?!?
Status - 1.0, Honor - "What is Expected," Glory - 3.0
Wears/Carries: Ashigaru Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Xun (Flute), Tonfa x2, Yumi w/ Arrows, Jade Bracelet
Always Checks for Lying Darkness Corruption with Scorpion
CharacterProfile * Theme Song * (The safe word is still "Sea Cucumber")

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Togashi Satsuki
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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Saru Shang wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:48 pm
When Shinsei spoke and addressed the gathered crowd, Shang would tap her chin with her fan pensively as she took in what was revealed, as well as things to come. As much as she would say that she had a pioneering spirit and a need to adventure, she wouldn't consider her a heroine in the slightest. Well, perhaps she could dream about being in such a role but that would be just that, a fantasy. Push came to shove, she would probably look for a way out of here. "...It seems that Shinsei's reputation is proven once again. Dire times ahead for us all..."
"It does sound very dramatic, yeah," she nodded, feeling uncertain and determined at the same time. She was determined to help people, but she was uncertain what her role would be in all of this.

"So if we need to defeat mistrust, grudges, resentment, and anxiety... hmm... that sounds like something a challenge for you maybe, Shang? Mom always says art will uplift the soul and spirit of humanity, so maybe there is something to that."
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 4.0 (possibly Togashi's Heir) 🐉 Glory: 3.0
Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver, scrolls in a satchel, jade bracelet and a jade-conch, Guqin (on occassion), wide-brimmed hat with veil, travel cloak with fur.

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Ryoshun Yukara
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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Shinsei wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:49 pm
He smiles at the both of them warmly. "Your kindness does you credit. That it survived everything going on does you more. Hold onto that." He sighed. "As for that... I simply have my own battles to fight, and my own role in this to act out. It is wearing a bit, but I promise I will rest when I've done everything I can here. It's only a few more days."
As the conversation broke out again, Yukara approached Shinsei, waiting for a moment, and then simply stating. "You told me I would find an answer here, Rock-sensei. I hope the one I find will be to your liking. If you require what aid I can render, you need only ask. Until that time, I will be seeking those answers where I can."

It seemed she had exhausted her words, and simply fell silent. Was she expecting a response? It was very hard to tell.
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.5 Honor: Honorless Stray
Carries: Bisento, muted clothes, travelling cloak and hat, prayer beads, knife, sake

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Reiko Ohta
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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Reiko Ohta »

Shinsei wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:49 pm
Ohta inclined her head and left it at that; She was stubborn, but she'd never been the sort to insist on treating a patient who didn't want to be treated. Especially in a case like this where she was sure that Shinsei was the one who would know best what he needed to do, and what that would entail.

"Well, so long as you know help is offered, then I shan't insist. Though do be sure to take care of yourself too; I know destiny and events such as these can have a way of making us overlook our own health, myself included, but that's why it's always important to remind ourselves that."
Makime Omoi wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:42 pm
"That includes you, Makime-san. I believe Shinsei-sama mention Nozomi and Ukyou. Why don't I help you in seeking them out if you have questions?"

She gave Omoi a kind look, not wanting to seem like she was mothering him. Or the Teacher for that matter.
Spider ๑ Bushi ๑ Scout ๑ Scholar ๑ Doctor ๑ Short ๑ Wiry ๑ Curious ๑ Archer
Honor - Untrustworthy | Status - 1.0 | Glory - 3.0 (Character Profile)
Has: daisho, daikyu and quiver, shoulder bag with testing items in it, occasionally accompanied by a pony named Kinboshi

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Jiyo Sora
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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Jiyo Sora »

"Well, if I'm supposed to organize things, the first thing I'm going to do is delegate that task to someone who is, unlike me, not a complete imbecile in that regard. Where's Lady Makime..."
ImperialAssassin and former BabysitterLibrarian • Experienced 3 • Bushi • Evil Eye • Tough as Old Leather • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru Veteran • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin • Lucid Dreamer • Probably Older Than You • Literally Went to Hell One Time • Has Five Kids and Babysat Shiba II and all of her sisters, Don't Test Him

Day to Day- A daisho, at least one scroll, a Nezumi Memory Stick, five fingers of jade and some dried flower petals.
Danger Imminent- Add light armor, a naginata, a yumi, and arrows.

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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Sugri »

Sugri stroked his chin as he listened to the monk and observed the people.

So these lands, and only select groups within them, would be responsible for the fate of the entire mortal realm? That hardly seemed believable... or fair for that matter.

"Though I suppose if Arun had not defeated Revan eventually his evil would have conquered the world as well. The seed doesn't choose what soil it falls in but the gardener must still pluck the weeds."

It seemed his role, then, would be to observe and if these people failed at weeding their garden to then warn the rat-kin and his own people to prepare for their own battles.
Invinda • Guru • Archer • Destined • Cursed
Integrity: Exceptional • Status: None • Glory: 1.5

Carries: Simple (if unusual) clothes, bow (unstrung unless expecting trouble), quiver of arrows, a simple knife

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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Nozomi »

Shinsei wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:49 pm
Nozomi simply took all of this more or less in stride. She didn't voice her concerns, though she gave Shinsei such a look when nobody was looking. She was dead sure that a certain someone was doing exactly what she'd expected him to do, which was keeping secrets and taking too much of the burden on himself.

Honestly, he would have made a great Scorpion with those secrets. She inwardly sighed and then looked around at the assemblage. Well, one way or another, this was all going to play out soon enough. She just needed to help make sure someone didn't overdo it.

...too much. he was definitely going to overdo it.
Monk * Ascetic * Experienced 2 Phi * Mom * Disciple of Shinsei * Disturbing Countenance (Albino) * Destined * Shinsei's Receptionist?!?
Status - 1.0, Honor - "What is Expected," Glory - 3.0
Wears/Carries: Ashigaru Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Xun (Flute), Tonfa x2, Yumi w/ Arrows, Jade Bracelet
Always Checks for Lying Darkness Corruption with Scorpion
CharacterProfile * Theme Song * (The safe word is still "Sea Cucumber")

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Wu Zhe
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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Wu Zhe »

Shinsei wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:49 pm
It was Wu Zhe's turn to approach, though he did not know what to say. Thus he simply bowed and voiced a simple

''Thank you, Shinsei-sama''
Dragon Clan - Wu - Bushi -Tribal - Farmer - Dairy - Blessed by Ebisu - Great Destiny - Agricultural reformer - Thunder of Mercy
Honor: What is expected, renown 1, Status: 4, finger of jade

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Hisomu Reo
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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Hisomu Reo »

Nozomi wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:52 pm
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:17 pm
"Nine Clans, well, that's me out then."

Sora grinned.

"So what the hell am I doing here?"
She sighed as she listened to Shinsei and then glanced at Sora. "There will always be work for us to do. Destiny takes many forms," she could admit. "Yes, we are here to make sure that they succeed, are we not?"

She nodded to Shinsei as she said it. It was good to know that they were on the same page in this one at least. '...what would have happened if I'd joined the Scorpion long ago?' Who could say that path untaken...
Reo offers a small snort. "We all got our turns at destiny. It is a privilege of the older generation to use our embers to light the forge of the next generation. "

The archer looks over to Nozomi. "How terrible a weapon shall I craft to weild against this champion? "
Archer | Kakita Tribe | Spider Clan| Bad Limp | Not a People Person | Healer | Experienced 1
Status: 1.0 | Honor: 4.5 | Glory: 1.0
Yumi with lots of arrows, Light Armor, Medicine Kit, Mortar and Pestle, finger of Jade

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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Shinsei »

Nozomi wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 12:40 am
He seemed to catch the look, giving a brief, apologetic smile before turning to...
Wu Zhe wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 12:49 am
It was Wu Zhe's turn to approach, though he did not know what to say. Thus he simply bowed and voiced a simple

''Thank you, Shinsei-sama''
... Wu Zhe. He nodded to him. "I'm glad to do what I can. It's all any of us can do."
Monk | Ascetic | Enlightened

Honor: 8.0, Status: 1.0, Glory: 5.0

Run by GM Bakuriel

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Saru Shang
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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Saru Shang »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 12:04 am
"It does sound very dramatic, yeah," she nodded, feeling uncertain and determined at the same time. She was determined to help people, but she was uncertain what her role would be in all of this.

"So if we need to defeat mistrust, grudges, resentment, and anxiety... hmm... that sounds like something a challenge for you maybe, Shang? Mom always says art will uplift the soul and spirit of humanity, so maybe there is something to that."
Shang turned to look at Satsuki and gave a blink before putting a hand on her chest as if she was taken aback by the proposition. Maybe all of the drama regarding impending doom and gloom has injected some drama in her. Or maybe she was always this way. "Oh my, Satsuki. Now, there's a question. I haven't even considered having a role in the impending storm at all! There is some absolute truth in your mother's wisdom, of course. Some much-needed inspiration and optimism for us all, I suppose? A memory of how things were and what we're fighting for? I think we're going to need much of it if we're going to weather the storm."
Dragon Clan • Courtier (Probably) • Artisan (Maybe) • A Bit Scattered • Needs Inspiration
Honour: What is Expected • Status: 2 • Glory: 3
Carries: Parchment, Charcoal, Wakizashi, Yumi & Quiver, Fan, Straw Hat, Cup, Jade, Dreamstone


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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Nozomi »

Hisomu Reo wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 12:56 am
Reo offers a small snort. "We all got our turns at destiny. It is a privilege of the older generation to use our embers to light the forge of the next generation. "

The archer looks over to Nozomi. "How terrible a weapon shall I craft to weild against this champion? "
She considered a moment before frowning. "You know... if I were to guess? A dangerous guess at that, but perhaps finding something that can slice in two without cutting? Somehow I feel like this is a threat that will be beaten as much with the impossible and mystical as the normal." After all, it was invading their dreams...
Shinsei wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 1:08 am
He seemed to catch the look, giving a brief, apologetic smile before turning to...
She caught that little, apologetic look and her lips turned in a rueful smile. He'd hear it later. Oh he'd hear it later... but for now, Shinsei had to be Shinsei.
Monk * Ascetic * Experienced 2 Phi * Mom * Disciple of Shinsei * Disturbing Countenance (Albino) * Destined * Shinsei's Receptionist?!?
Status - 1.0, Honor - "What is Expected," Glory - 3.0
Wears/Carries: Ashigaru Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Xun (Flute), Tonfa x2, Yumi w/ Arrows, Jade Bracelet
Always Checks for Lying Darkness Corruption with Scorpion
CharacterProfile * Theme Song * (The safe word is still "Sea Cucumber")

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Togashi Satsuki
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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Saru Shang wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 1:17 am
Shang turned to look at Satsuki and gave a blink before putting a hand on her chest as if she was taken aback by the proposition. Maybe all of the drama regarding impending doom and gloom has injected some drama in her. Or maybe she was always this way. "Oh my, Satsuki. Now, there's a question. I haven't even considered having a role in the impending storm at all! There is some absolute truth in your mother's wisdom, of course. Some much-needed inspiration and optimism for us all, I suppose? A memory of how things were and what we're fighting for? I think we're going to need much of it if we're going to weather the storm."
Her smile became a grin as she watched Shang's reaction. In fact, Satsuki was mighty pleased with herself that the idea seemed so positively received.

"If anyone can accomplish something like that, I think it will be you. Ah, hm, would you need anything for such a project? Something I, or others, could help you with perhaps?" She was not the artist, but she loved the arts nonetheless. Anything needed for such an undertaking, the princess would be more than happy to help out.
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 4.0 (possibly Togashi's Heir) 🐉 Glory: 3.0
Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver, scrolls in a satchel, jade bracelet and a jade-conch, Guqin (on occassion), wide-brimmed hat with veil, travel cloak with fur.

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Otomo Akutou
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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Otomo Akutou »

One f'm each Clan, huh? Akutou thinks.

But not necessarily kids o' th' Kami, if'n I heard aright. An' wouldn't th' Admiral have t' eat crow then!
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
Status 1.0, Glory 4.0, Honor as Expected
Crafty * Destined * Heroic * Silent * Wary * Cursed * Disdained * Driven * Phobic
Commonly with jade finger, daisho, standard clothes, pack; hat and cloak as weather appropriate
In peril, jade finger, daisho, yumi, quiver, arrows, ashigaru armor, rations, cash (the pack will wait)
When traveling, all of it

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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Otaku »

Saru Ranmaru wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:31 pm
Otaku wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:22 pm
"Anything Shinjo asks of me," Otaku replies with quiet confidence. "I count myself a warrior. And other things."

Then Shinsei finally says his piece, so she goes quiet again--a natural state for her in any case. "Hmm." So be it.

On some level, she realizes she'd expected the answer to the mysterious call to be something like this. It would be a small price, if it succeeds.
"You? A warrior?" Ranmaru held his hand up to where her head reached. A bit after, he elevated it up to his own. "Well, I suppose a horse can make up for that difference." It wasn't like he would begrudge anyone, regardless of gender, for using any advantage they could get.

After Shinsei's explanation, Ranmaru had a sickening realization. This small woman, along with all the other small women, were probably misled by destiny to come here!
Otaku's lips quirk in genuine amusement. "Size doesn't make a warrior," she says softly. (She has a very pretty voice, which in all probability is only lowering Ranmaru's assessment of her warrior potential.)

If she could read the shirtless hero's thoughts, and if she were quick with words like her husband Ide, Otaku might suggest to him that a destiny which misleads people could be no true destiny at all. But no telepathy here, for better or worse.

After listening a bit more, she tilts her head toward Ranmaru and asks him--he's right there, after all, might as well--"Who are Nozomi and Ukyou? Do you know them?"
Ki-Rin ▪ Daimyo ▪ Warrior ▪ Shinjo's Votary ▪ Short ▪ Quiet ▪ Ascetic ▪ Voice ▪ Hero of the People (Blue Lotus Village)
Glory: 6.5 ▪ Status: 7 ▪ Honor: Exceptional ▪ Description
Steed: Tsubame (pale dapple gray with dark points)
Gear: Daisho, saddlebags, sometimes riding armor and yumi.

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Yoshitsune Ayako
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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

Matsu wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 4:53 am
"Praying is part of how we rescued Hisomu-no-kami. Never doubt the power of that."
Ayako listened respectfully to the revered Shinsei's every word, before turning back to Matsu.

"Well, that's quite a big revelation!" she remarked. "Nine Champions of the World, wow! I bet you'll be one of them, Matsu. I suppose I'd better see if Lady Anjing needs any help getting ready for this thing."
Crab Clan • Samurai • Great Destiny • Directionally Challenged • Dreaming?
Status 1.0 • Glory: 3.5 • Exceptional Honor
carries: heavy armor, masakari, daisho, biwa

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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Post by Makime »

Lady Makime watched the as Shinsei gave his speech. Her arms crossed and expression growing from frustration to nothing. Just an impassive expression as the little prophet spoke of destiny and chosen ones.

After he finished, Makime exhaled softly and glanced at the two with her. She said nothing...silent as a tomb. Her eyes spoke volumes though and none of it good.

Everything we have built...and it all rests on nine people. Nine chosen ones.

Finally her voice came softly, meant for herself, "Destiny has no hold on me little man. I was not summoned."
Last edited by Makime on Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Lion Clan • Bushi • Makime Daimyo • Tactician • Commander • Experienced • Once of the Kuwagaya • Overconfident
Status: 7.0 • Honor: "What is Expected" • Glory: 6.0

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